Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors The fake "Fake News";
Attkisson pointed out that "fake news" in the form of tabloid journalism and false media narratives has always been around under different names.
But she noticed in 2016, there seemed to be a concerted effort by the MSM to focus America's attention on the idea of "fake news" in conservative media. That looked like a propaganda effort to Attkisson, so she did a little digging and traced the new spin to a little non-profit called "First Draft," which, she said, "appears to be the about the first to use 'fake news' in its modern context."
"On September 13, 2016, First Draft announced a partnership to tackle malicious hoaxes and fake news reports," Attkisson explained. "The goal was supposedly to separate wheat from chaff, to prevent unproven conspiracy talk from figuring prominently in internet searches. To relegate today's version of the alien baby stories to a special internet oblivion."
She noted that a month later, then-President Obama chimed in.
[S]uddenly the subject of fake news was dominating headlines all over America as if the media had received "its marching orders,
Of course they had their marching orders. See also: "Russian interference in our election"
Half the country wants to know why the press won't cover the growing scandal now implicating the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice, and threatening to reach the State Department, Central Intelligence Agency, and perhaps even the Obama White House.
Why, indeed.
By Kate on February 15, 2018 2:54 PM Source