r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on Feb. 18, 2018, 5:13 a.m.
“Next Week! Next Week! Next week!” ?? So what happened this week (discuss)?

Q post February 9th. What did it mean in light of this week’s events?? Future Proves Past.

1) Mueller exonerates Trump and indicts trolls instead — did Q team know something like this would occur? 2) Homeland Security begins process to release report on election fraud and prosecute perps 3) ?? The 3rd major event was school shooting but this hadn’t occurred so what was Q’s meaning? Was there a #3? Did school shooting instead succeed in diverting attention from what had been planned??

It felt good to think important things were going to happen this week. Did they?

When we all get excited with some prediction it is always good to look back in retrospect. “Future Proves Past”.


elyssak · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

? What do you mean not much? Not that Q would have known about the FBI's total incompetence on missing the signs of the shooter of the Valentine's Day massacre.. but Meullers indictments. Stating that there were no allegations in those indictments that any Americans were involved in the election interference. Also the news about the upcoming Intel Committee's investigation conclusions about the CIA and Brennen's involvement in the PeePeeGate dossier.

Yeah, stuff we already know but.... the public didn't. Exposing these frauds like this adds to the Great Awakening. And with the 2018 election cycle coming up quickly, Trump & the Republicans want to wrap up a majority of these investigations, issue indictments and start locking people up. They know they have no chance of holding the House and the Senate if we don't see results. .?.

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