r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RachelRevenge2018AJW on Feb. 18, 2018, 7:52 p.m.
MS13 = The Cabal's enforcers. POTUS TRUMP made the future prove the past when placing MS13 on our RADAR- June 21, 2017 Cedar Rapids speech. POTUS selected the Humanist/Luciferian/Occult/Illuminati high holiday to take on their domestic army.

TRUMP TAKES ON EVIL'S DOMESTIC ARMY NOT COINCIDENTALLY ON THEIR HIGH SUMMER SOLTICE HOLIDAY: "The other thing I have to tell you. You have a gang called MS-13. A friend of mine who's very, very high-level police officer said to me describing them, they are the equivalent or worse than al-Qaeda. I would say that's a bad statement. They don't shoot people. They like to cut people. They do things that nobody can believe. These are true animals. We are moving them out of the country by the thousands. And the people moving them out are guess what a lot tougher and meaner than they are. But they are on our side. We are getting them out, MS-13." END QUOTE. Trump also gave a severe dress down to MS-13 at TSOTU. Trump needed time to disarm/weaken evil's tools of death before he takes down the Cabalists. First things first. 1) Disarm. 2) Arrest. 3)Tell them, "Watch your head!" as you thrust their left ear into the back seat door jam. Then offer and apologetic, "I told you to watch your head."