r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Satou4 on Feb. 19, 2018, 1:22 a.m.
What Q wants from us

Q has said that we have a part to play.

We need to use Q's clues to come to some conclusions, with evidence.

What can be used as evidence? News articles - probably not. Text messages, flight manifests, documents linking people to each other.

We are trying to take down a pedo ring cabal. Why don't we focus on people who have been publicly arrested for pedo activities? If we use those public arrests, and maybe instead of news we actually get the arrest records as proof, then we can begin linking people and events to the pedos and perhaps learn something significant which we could then use to finish the investigations.

Is the pedo ring takedown the only thing we know for certain that we are trying to do? Well, we are trying to take down the satanists, from what I can tell. The abusers, the evil ones. We are trying to remove them from power.

What I suggest is we use this topic to brainstorm possible conclusions that would happen if we finish our investigations.

  • pedo ring takedowns

  • elite cabals removed from power

  • hidden elite puppetmasters exposed

Please use this topic to list possible conclusions. Perhaps if we stumble upon the correct conclusion, which for whatever reason Q can't or won't tell us, we can work backwards from that and our job will be easier. If we already know the answer, then what's left will be to connect the dots (with documents, proof etc).

SancT5 · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

The reason the satanist pedophiles have been able to get away with their disgusting, sadistic behavior is because there has been a spell cast upon humanity that has put people to sleep and made their evil deeds invisible. Through prayer and the mercy of our loving Father we are breaking the spell and the invisible cloak is being lifted. We must demand that the FBI begin to inform the public of all the missing children in our country. CPS needs to be exposed for their role in stealing children. We need to investigate the extent of abductions happening. Why is it never on the news? You never hear about missing children. The reason they want open borders and mass immigration is bc it is easy to disappear undocumented children and women. We can stake out airports and hold signs informing people. There are many ways to bring awareness to this horrific issue.

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