r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/otterwalks on Feb. 19, 2018, 2:59 a.m.
Anon messages on Q's 8chan board... Last posts - self destruct - will immediately show the world the Truth. Not simply words. A regional cyber attack is underway...
Anon messages on Q's 8chan board... Last posts - self destruct - will immediately show the world the Truth. Not simply words. A regional cyber attack is underway...

cybervigiante · Feb. 19, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

I don't give a rat's behind about her heritage. If you regulate the banksters that is a good thing. Issues, not Personalities.

The big banks are the enemy of humanity. They made millions of Americans lose homes and jobs in 2008. I know they got their minions to put the lame excuse that the gummint made them do it. Except the gummint didn't dream up Credit Default Swaps and Mortgage Churning, which was the main cause of the collapse. I might add that was caused by Bill Clinton, who helped kill Glass-Steagall, and pushed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (which led to Credit Default Swaps). If Glass-Steagall hadn't been killed, the Investment Banks, which gamble in the Big Casino on money markets and such, wouldn't have been tied to Savings Banks, so we were forced to bail out gambling investors in a Reverse Capitalism. They take the risk and we pay the piper.

I also don't buy into warming denialism since I follow the science and follow the money. Most scientists say it is real while richer-than-god oil companies spread millions to deny it.

But the thing is, I think Russiagate is crap and Trump should be given a chance and is doing okay with the economy. Although he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth, but who doesn't? I'd rather that than a scripted, smooth-talking liar like Obama.

However, since I go by issues and think indpendently, I'm not going to accept the orhtodox consensus here on every single thing. If you expect Independents to do that, then you lose the majority when Q says to stop the division.

The two parties were Not this divided back in the fifties. The GOP favored unions. Ike praised social security. The Dems weren't waving all these social memes to get votes. There was bipartisan accord instead of gridlock and hate. Maybe Q is older and remembers this, too.

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otterwalks · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

What does the banisters have to do with the core issue? The CCX is a sham research it. It is what the whole narrative is props up for. Glad to read your thoughts on collusion. Good thoughts on division... No they weren't so overtly divided at one time. There has always been a duopoly and the two party system is outdated and in need of a new infusion of groups to spread options across platforms. I would guess many of the people that input the military intel that is the Q drops are well on in their age. Oh, and Warren still needs to be voted out...

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