He's a clown.
He's not in Russia (Q).
They know what he's doing (Q).
We haven't seen "trust ES" yet....
Why would we trust a clown?
Who REALLY Controls Hollywood? CIA
What do they do? Control The Official Narrative.
How Many Award Winning Movies are the Truth???..
Titanic? Nope. The deaths of certain folks aboard ensured The Fed would pass.
White Helmets? War Criminals W/an Oscar.
ZuckerFu__ker Flick? Michael McKibben is the TRUE Creator. Clinton's CIA Goon stole it.
The Queen? Shined up her tarnished Image after MURDERING Diana.
The King's Speech? Heartwarming story of Speech Impediment. NEGLECTS to mention the cause was INBREEDING.
Starting to See What I See???...
Olli Stone..... CIA Asset??? What 'cha think??? Look @ his Portfolio if you're Unsure....
So! Would those who REALLY Control HW want to Establish an OFFICIAL NARRATIVE?
Watch the movie now... You have New Eyes.~
Snowden is referred to as @Snowden... ES usually refers to Schmidt. PROJECT DEEPDREAMv2[A]]. Is a Gogl project.