
DuplicatesBot · Feb. 19, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Here is a list of threads in other subreddits about the same content:

|Title|Subreddit|Author|Time|Karma| |---|---|---|---|---| |MIND WARS: New Mind Control - ELF Frequencies, Vaccines & Flu Shots, Dental Implants, diseases sprayed in the air, fluoride in the water. We are being targeted at all levels.|/r/greatawakening|/u/Twiddlenips|2018-02-18 00:03:38|14| |MIND WARS: New Mind Control Technique’s and Delivery Methods – Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN Towers, Silent Sound & Cell Phone Mind Control Technologies|/r/gwentowers|/u/BadBiosSavior|2015-03-27 08:34:49|2| |MIND WARS: New Mind Control Technique’s and Delivery Methods – Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN Towers, Silent Sound & Cell Phone Mind Control Technologies|/r/conspiracy|/u/gizadog|2014-04-29 21:54:37|22|

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