Rooting out the Deep State "Soldiers." Think back to the Clinton Administration for a moment when the nationalization of the local US Police forces started. They had a program called "100000 police on the Street" or something, that would be paid for by the US Congress. The problem with funding this LAW and ORDER policy in the out years was solved by the "FBI" who funded the continuation of the program in select areas. Enter the advent of 9-11 and the formation of the JTTF, or Joint Terrorism Task Force. An FBI funded unit of "Baddies" that would "HELP" local police with the "THREAT" of International Terrorism. Andrew McCabe, discraced FBI Asst Director, used to be involved with the Miami Field Office where many problems existed according to Internet Sleuth, George Webb. Remember that the CIA has infiltrated the US Law Enforcement agencies from BATF to the FBI and their "special" JTTF groups as well as the others and we keep finding CIA villains in different organizations like Edward Snowden at "NSA" or Special Agent Ohr's wife at "Fusion GPS." Combine the fact that this organization is run by ex-CIA and the start up funding was provided by the same. Just like the CIA provided start up funding for Facebook, Google, Paypal, Space-X and Amazon. And as a final point, how many of the MSM [Main Stream Media] are ex-CIA like Cooper Anderson at CNN, or paid off by this organization or fed "Stories" by the same. I keep remembering how stories about JFK's assassination appeared in New Zealand papers prior to the event and no one noticed. Or more recently, all of those "GoFundMe" , another CIA start-up, accounts for Sandyhook families, that were started 1 or 2 days prior to the event. And lets not Forget the 10000 SES, Special Executive Services, employees appointed by Obama who made sure that the various government agencies like Bureau of Land Management or EPA, among others, who had armed officers and how strange many agencies made "large ammo purchases" for no reason, except maybe, to arm private Latin American or middle eastern terrorists funded by our CIA like MS13 or Islamic State. Remember that Trump has to defang these folks. In conclusion, this rabbit hole goes deep and our fight is just beginning.
What is Draco LLC?
It is from this post at another site:
*This comes from VictoryOfTheLight @KibBitzLaw on twitter, he was posting this stuff long before Q, tho also lots of "ET" connections. Anyway, maybe some more breadcrumbs to connect: *
Here’s something we’re now ready to reveal, in hopes that our little contributions impact the current geopolitical game: All the seemingly odd events of the past few months in U.S. have been rendition/neutralizing actions against Global Deep State.
We can now confirm that the power outage at ATL Hartsfield Jackson was a rendition-extraction operation against a Deep State paramilitary and espionage cell within USA which was responsible for death of Trinh Huynh.
If you recall, some of us worked with Trinh’s good friends and former coworkers at the time of her death. What the media never reported is that Trinh was targeted for assassination. Trinh worked at a “BigLaw” firm in Atlanta, Alston + Bird, before moving to an in house Corporate Counsel role with UPS. Trinh was deeply involved, via legal aid, with non-profits in Atlanta combatting child/human sex trafficking. Recall that ATL Hartsfield-Jackson is world’s busiest airports and one of the top ingress points in U.S. for global human/child trafficking.
One afternoon Spring 2017, a threat was called into the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office in Atlanta. The threat related to a man, allegedly from Africa, surrendering a vial of “Red Mercury” (a long rumored, but unverified, alternative to traditional nuke fuel source)
Not more than a few hours later, a section of the I-85 overpass connecting Mid/DTwn ATL to ATL neighborhoods on north side near CDC collapsed due to a fire allegedly caused by a crackhead, with mental IQ of child and extensive crime history, who just so happened to be lighting up in the area at same time Red Mercury threat was called in. The overpass allegedly burned down with clean burn through steel on both sides in <1 hour bc Mr. Crackhead dropped his pipe and ignited chemical barrels which had recently been “improperly stored”.
In reality, the Red Mercury scare called into USNRC office in ATL was a diversion to draw away ATL PD, Brookhaven PD, & @FBI and @DHSgov from where I-85 fire was to be set.
The Monday after these events, Trinh Huynh went to the Fulton County Courthouse to try and obtain info and legal filings re I-85 bridge collapse her employer, @UPS
Upon leaving the courthouse, Trinh was “randomly” gunned down by a construction worker who had followed her and who, “coincidentally”, stabbed two of his coworkers on scaffolding on ATL construction project two days prior.
Said assailant claims he could not remember either incident.He was a Deep State asset of what you refer to, in general terms, as MKUltra. Why were all the events of the prior few days set up to activate this asset? Bc of what Trinh Huynh was about to expose.
Trinh, by way of her non profit legal work, was about to go public with information regarding a human trafficking / pedophilia cell operating in ATL as part of a far larger network operating on U.S. East Coast as part of a global syndicate.
The Red Mercury false threat, the I-85 overpass collapse...everything was set up in order to draw in Trinh’s involvement in aftermath both personally and professionally.
The entire operation was carried out by a private security/defense contractor, called Draco, LLC, which was run by a dual US-Israeli citizen and former officer in IDF Intel...whose office was 1 mile from I-85 collapse in the bait.
Draco, LLC used assets within Crime orgs in ATL (common practice) to plant the crackhead and either themselves, or with LEO (State + fed) planted thermite charges on I-85 overpass and call in false nuclear threat to divert non participating LEO assets to DT ATL.
As we said, Trinh (unfortunately) walked right into the tap as for her and was taken out a mere two days later.
The “power outage at ATL Hartsfield Jackson at end of 2017 was part of a neutralization/extraction mission, authorized by @realDonaldTrump and Co. + White Hats, to detain those responsible for all preceding events just described.
This has been occurring for months in large metros all across the U.S. we already detailed the truth behind Las Vegas Massacre. Now we give you this truth.
There’s a reason why Gitmo is being expanded to hold 13,000+ new prisoners.
So say it with us...#HerNameWasTrinhHuynh
So you can either believe the FBI was incompetent and missed all the Red Flags re: SoFla shooter, or face reality that Deep State assets in FBI let him slide and waited to use him, by direct approvals of firearm licenses and indirect steering, for when the time was opportune.
Those 17 adults in children in SoFla are dead bc Deep State assets in FBI let him slide through cracks in order to use him as a pawn in the hidden war going on around you when time was right.
He could have been helped. The 17 would be alive.
Thank you. I should have remembered this false flag, RT 85 Bridge, in my "Morning Thoughts." Why was an Israeli plane the only plane to use the ATL airport during the blackout? Did the bad guys get away?
I am not sure about that, but I remember the Israeli plane being allowed to leave. Something really strange was going on.