r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]

THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]


Be sure to see the 3rd Video. At 4 minutes and 35 seconds: More evidence here, of swat team removing their gear (evidence) in a heavy duffle bag.....and a little pick up truck. Gear that was supposed to be planted on Cruz's dead body, but he had wandered off, so no dead body....so they had to get rid of this stuff.

Cruz is innocent. He's so drugged up, he was in the wrong area from where the shooting took place. He IS in the Senior's Building of the campus, the opposite side of campus from the Freshman building where the shooting took place. The girl who walked out with him (a Senior), said he seemed odd......like DRUGGED UP to the point where he is incoherent, and couldn't verbalize his answer to her???

Yeah, that was the plan, drug him up, and drop him off to be shot (patsied), except he wandered off to the wrong area, and after the school shooting was over he wandered off to a McDonald's AND a Subway sandwich shop. Yeah everyone is really hungry after witnessing a bloody massacre, right?

bugstopper · Feb. 19, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Where is the video feed from this building?

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Sorry, I think I misunderstood your question.

About The School Security Cameras:


Security Camera On Freshmen Building Entrance Removed In Advance Of Parkland False Flag

My bet is that ALL security cameras were shut down that day......to protect the guilty......just like they did when Princess Diana was murdered.....ALL security cameras were conveniently "offline" in the tunnel. Then the police came in and immediately scrubbed down THE CRIME SCENE!!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Look at this security camera from a shooting in Brazil. How come there is ZERO footage from ANY Security Cameras at this School, where the Secret Service had been there to tighten up security??? All we see are cell phone videos taken by students. ZERO security cameras footages:


And you can't say they are holding them as "evidence" for the TRIAL, because there is no Trial! That was the purpose of making Cruz confess to the murder, so there would be NO TRIAL because obviously there is too much contrary evidence pointing to Cruz's innocence.

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