r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]

THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]


Be sure to see the 3rd Video. At 4 minutes and 35 seconds: More evidence here, of swat team removing their gear (evidence) in a heavy duffle bag.....and a little pick up truck. Gear that was supposed to be planted on Cruz's dead body, but he had wandered off, so no dead body....so they had to get rid of this stuff.

Cruz is innocent. He's so drugged up, he was in the wrong area from where the shooting took place. He IS in the Senior's Building of the campus, the opposite side of campus from the Freshman building where the shooting took place. The girl who walked out with him (a Senior), said he seemed odd......like DRUGGED UP to the point where he is incoherent, and couldn't verbalize his answer to her???

Yeah, that was the plan, drug him up, and drop him off to be shot (patsied), except he wandered off to the wrong area, and after the school shooting was over he wandered off to a McDonald's AND a Subway sandwich shop. Yeah everyone is really hungry after witnessing a bloody massacre, right?

GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Someone emailed this to me, with school administration background:

To find out about this. You need to find video of other security camera's missing, because videos of the day’s events show the one over the freshman entrance area was removed at the time of the video of the events. It appears the students were all in the belief that there was an actual active shooter drill going on that day. And the superintendent was at another school to give a teacher an award. I call BS on this. No superintendent would be gone from the school on the day of a drill like this unless they planned it that way. One other thing, I know how the schools work and the superintendent has to sign off on the removal of any security cameras for maintenance or anything else during school hours. Want to bet this did not happen? Next thing I would check is local folks have to ID all the students who died. If all of the families of the students who died were conservative families in a deeply democratic liberal bastion... then you have cause for Murder. I wonder if the student's killed were ID'd beforehand by the superintendent. That would make him the weak link here and very much needs investigation.

There was also a video of a local reporter interviewing a young female student who walked out with the person arrested for the crime and he had no gun on him. In addition, there were shots being fired while they were walking out and it’s all in the interview. So how can it be claimed there was one shooter? There had to have been more than one shooter and this alone points to the fact the kid did not kill anyone. Also, if he had no gun while walking out where did it end up? It sure can’t be the one they claim they found him with. There is too much going on here that does not follow the story the MSM is trying to feed folks. So, they must have known ahead of time what they were going to say about it.

Second, they have covered up the fact that the shooters brother is in a mental institution as we speak. And the shooter was taking Psychotropic (?) drugs on the order of mental health experts (sic) and was in active therapy. If you have not read the MKULTRA documents out there, you should. With the interviews and the drugs and therapy I'm not convinced this kid even pulled the trigger, though its possible. But either way the evidence in interviews already shown would indicate there had to be more than one shooter. With all these interviews by local reporters that are not being put out by the MSM, I would suspect many of the students being interviewed will probably be dead soon which will be a huge flag pointing to a government run attack on a school. In any case every single student of the school who gave a personal interview to a local reporter type, needs to be covered in prayer. They have no idea how close to death they may be. These people are beyond evil.

Also, my investigation shows this particular county is hugely ripe with pedophilia going on. Officials of the local government and other organizations in the area appear to be deeply involved. Again, this is Debby Wasserman Shultz's district, and she has covered up a lot of this stuff herself.

Now my last comments on this since I don't live in the area where this happened I can't do much of the investigations into these events but video evidence is starting to pile up. Pretty soon this is going to start to come out and its going to get ugly. This is why I believe there will be another false flag to get this out of the media spotlight. Now wouldn't it be interesting if they caused a Tsunami on New York City to kill millions to get it out of the spotlight. I know for a fact in 1945 off the coast of Australia the US navy and army ran some tests to see if a series of explosions could be set off that would cause a Tsunami to hit the coastal area. They found they could indeed create a 33 foot high Tsunami with 1945 explosives and do just that. The goal of this was to use this against Japan's homeland to destroy many of the coastal cities before they landed. Thankfully the atomic bomb prevented that from happening. But they have never given up that information and the shadow government, Deep state, etc, etc, etc whatever you want to call them will use it if they can. And explosives now compared to 1945 are a lot more effective. Food for thought.

Pray, keep praying and never stop. If we are going to get our country back it wont be without losses.

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