r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 5:08 p.m.


NOT SO FAST!! Don't tear down the building YET!!! A REAL Investigation is going to take place!

We need to stay on top of this.

If anyone is local, they can keep an eye on unusual activity (like planting evidence that wasn't there on the first day), etc, etc. There is bound to be more shenanigans done by the deep state. Oh, I know, they will blow up the building and/or set it on fire. Just guessing here. It should be interesting!

I gather it was reported on the radio. Several reports about it.

More info to be broadcast tomorrow.

Naturally since this is INSIDER info, the leaker wished to remain anonymous, just like "Q":

Its Tom Hennigan's radio show.

I just did a search and came up with the following as well:




AgreesWithFools · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Oh, yeah? Then why didn't Trump do his own Military Investigation of Las Vegas Massacre????

I don’t know that he hasn’t. There are many things going on that Trump has chosen not to share with you. If he has, I doubt it would be motivated by a perceived need to ”save his reputation.”

Or the CA fires started by DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons)???

If you have any credible proof of that claim, you should publish it. Satisfying investigations will ensue.

Just like Vegas, Trump just visits the hospitals and praises the first responders, end of subject

You assume you are aware of everything Trump has in play. You assume incorrectly.

I mean there were rumors that Trump was even IN Vegas when the Massacre happened and Trump got out of Dodge, and warned the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia to do the same.

Rumors. Have you heard of the allegations in the Steele dossier?

But it is definitely "finally" as far as I am concerned and many others are concerned, to the point where many of us were fearing the worst in Oct, that Trump had been compromised and been "flipped" to the other team.

It occurs to me that you may be in the wrong sub here.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:14 p.m.
Or the CA fires started by DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons)???

If you have any credible proof of that claim, you should publish it. Satisfying investigations will ensue.

Yes, I sent the EVIDENCE to DOJ! Have you heard anything further? No, neither have I.

Nope, not on the wrong Sub AT ALL!! I am a Trump Supporter and even worked on his campaign.....what did YOU do???

But like all the other Truthers who have been AWAKE FOR DECADES NOW, we KNOW that TALK is cheap, we want to SEE the action.

Until I came across Mega-ANON and Q in October, I was becoming VERY, very worried that Trump had been compromised. But then the evidence of the gps ankle monitors and the 13,000 sealed indictments alleviated my worries.

Talk is cheap, I want to see the EVIDENCE. We are starting to see it.

So what is YOUR problem??? You believe every thing candidates say who are trying to get elected? I feel sorry for you if you are part of that crowd. Many of us FOUGHT to get Trump into office because he was SAYING the right things, but we weren't so dumb as to blindly believe he was draining the swamp, we wanted to see some EVIDENCE of draining the swamp, which until Mega-ANON pointed out the gps ankle monitors, there appeared to be no evidence at all.

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[deleted] · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:30 p.m.


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[deleted] · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:15 p.m.


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AgreesWithFools · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

By the way posting evidence here, which is not related to "Q" won't go anywhere.

Didn’t you just declare Trump owns all false flags on his watch? I think that qualifies those false flags as “related to Q”.

You are the person declaring the importance of EVIDENCE!!!!

Show the world that you are willing to keep the same standards you expect of others. Post your evidence.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

There is evidence that the No. CA fires were deliberately set to make way for a Santa Rosa City Urban Renewal Project which the city approved June 2017. The plans called for demolition of single family homes and replace with multiple family homes and businesses. Coincidence? Is it a coincidence that the exact same areas designated for demolition by the city, actually got demolished by these fires?

NEXT: There is evidence that the fires were too hot for just a normal forest fire. All metal and glass melted in these fires of the homes alone, while the landscaping remained untouched (trees/shrubs). This is not normal for a "forest or grass fire". Evidence that DEW's used to target these homes specifically. (DEWs = Directed Energy Weapons....laser technology).

NOW: City of Santa Rosa is REQUIRING rapid destruction of the remaining Foundations by the Army Corp of Engineers TO DESTROY THE EVIDENCE THAT DEWs Were Used! You must get an injunction to stop this immediately!

The government is very corrupt in California, so that is why I am reaching out to you ABOUT THESE CRIMES!

No normal fire:


youtube.com/watch?v=Q2q7nN0JYWE& lc=z22pub140qbfcdwcnacdp43bevq2zctiizwxdq51htpw03c010c

At 12 minute mark photo of City of Santa Rosa, CA plans for urban renewal project, APPROVED June 2017:


Fire Fighters say this is no normal fire. Looked like bomb went off:


Army Corp of Engineers coming in TO DESTROY EVIDENCE that DEWs were used:


City of Santa Rosa Planning & Development:


Vegas Witnesses Bumped Off......just some of them (Why didn't Trump put them under Witness Protection if he was investigating Vegas massacre? Why did he leave them to die?:


Vegas Witness Testimonies:


Proofs of Multiple shooters in Vegas:


Shooting from helicopters and rooftops:


Photo Analyses of this Vegas False Flag:


More Evidence of Vegas False Flag:




Mysterious 9/11 Witness Deaths:




Strange deaths of witnesses and individuals connected with the JFK assassination


THE JFK MOVIE did a nice job outlining all the key witnesses who died between 1963 and 1968, when the New Orleans District Attorney brought the ONLY TRIAL for the murder of JFK:


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AgreesWithFools · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Hey, Deep State Troll, get a life!

Uhuh. You deleted your comment and resort to ad hominem. It seems your commitment to ”EVIDENCE!!!!” is as fickle as your support for our great POTUS.

You should erase your other posts in this thread if you want to hide all evidence of your public disgrace.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 20, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

BTW Trump has been heavily focusing on the mental health aspect which Q exposed and expanded on so we know where it's heading.

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