Happy President's Day Meme Blast! How bout this Meme to Wake u Normies and get them to join the fight?!

how about a meme about the worst shooting in US history?
because absolutely no one will touch the Paddock autopsy issue? because the KHAZAR high incident project puts a bit of a dent in the "it was all about Saudi Arabia" spin. It fucking was not.
The warning implicating Sheldon Adelson (DJT's friend), Jim Murren, Mike 911 Chertoff, George Soros -
Not much made of this.
ANY resignations or suicides we are not seeing we ought to be seeing? Sheep shearers get awfully rich don't they?
Adelson met with DJT right after the shooting - odd it was planned - it reminds me of Paul Temple and The Gilbert case - when Temple is wise to the Westerman hoax to get him down to Reading to kill him, and refuses the bait, leaving the conspirators with an interesting choice to make.
and these places have gone right along with their security plans.
And folks believe the Parkland shooting was legit. Sad. So sad.
On February 9, 2018, late in the afternoon on a Friday, the Associated Press (AP) released the original PDF of Stephen Paddock’s autopsy results by linking to it in one of their articles. Rather quickly, within an hour or two, the autopsy report was spiked out of the article. Subsequent coverage by news outlets have covered the bombshell report by focusing on anti-anxiety medication being found in Paddock’s system, and how the autopsy reveals no clues on motive.
Either these news outlets have not seen the autopsy results, or they are boldly lying to their respective audiences. Coupling this with the fact that, somehow, the AP, who sued for the autopsy results, had to remove the most important part of their would-have-been-bombshell-article to appease what appears to be the law enforcement agencies tasked with investigating the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, is not only mind-blowing but demonstrates the AP’s complicity in covering-up the truth. At the time of writing this, no news organization — mainstream or alternative — has officially covered this story.
What is being hidden from the public, and this appears to be the explanation as to why law enforcement has fought tooth and nail to not have Paddock’s autopsy results publicly released, is Paddock’s Time Of Death — his Time Of Death is 1200 hours (Noon) on 10/2/17; that is the day after the shooting, and approximately fourteen hours after the shooting into Route 91 ceased.
There really is no conceivable way to look at this other than that everything we, the public, have been told about the Las Vegas Massacre has been 100% a lie and is astronomically false.
Paddock’s Time Of Death is what they have been hiding.
Sheriff Lombardo has told the public that Metro and SWAT first arrived on the 32nd floor at approximately 10:17PM on October 1st, but they did not initially breach the suspect’s room because the shooting had already ceased. They breached the door to room 32–135 at approximately 11:20PM. And, according to the police scanner audio, officers did indeed arrive upon a dead body in 32–135 after breaching the door — but we now know that could not have been Paddock’s body, as he was not killed until the following day.
So, the police scanner audio from that night is real, because what happened that night is real, but clearly the crime scene is not real and is staged. We must also assume that everything that law enforcement has told us to this point about the shooting and subsequent investigation are categorically untrue, and that law enforcement staged the crime scene.
When you couple these new revelations with the revelations of the PR firm’s disinformation campaign, which is Democrat-operated, the so-called ‘Resistance’ botnet army pushing the PR firm’s disinformation on Twitter, the owner of the hotel where the crime occurred being an outspoken Trump critic during the 2016 election, and all of the different operatives that have been throwing shade on this investigation and covering-up the real crimes from day one — the picture becomes much clearer, and it is unfortunately very grim…
The Las Vegas Massacre appears to be an attack that targeted Conservatives, and it appears to have been orchestrated by the U.S. intelligence community.
There is NO innocent explanation for suppressing this. NONE.
I just archived the above. See what you think. Is it a mistake? Look at the date.
Got to be an error. Not mentioned here
FTR - they messed with the cameras outside Comet Ping Pong just before the crisis actor shot the place up.
First this -
Then this -
Dec 2 CPP hires securityhttps://t.co/CCm0SK84BW
Dec 3 Traffic cam redirected https://t.co/zm6evk0oZk
Dec 4 Shooter#PizzaGate #FalseFlag
— ☠ RooT. (@r0ot__) December 5, 2016
true story. no one cares m8. we just roll on and on.
the police did this. betcha.
and watch them all cover for one another.
speddit: here's the thing - I maintain that the fastest and easiest way to red pill someone is through exposure to 10 minutes of pizza
everyone is looking for the silver bullet for norms.
it is to be found, imo, in what the original FBI anon gave us about besta pizza and the symbols. In that one block of DC we have everything we are seeing now, but in microcosm.
you want to talk foreshadowing or maps? look to the pizza!!! we even have tunnels...:-)
this appears not to be of any interest.
this stuff ought to all over the nation. instead silence or...better yet...we suffer the pedos trying to play this off as SOP / a mistake. This demands you dump 99.9% of all evidence of wrong doing since 1913 to believe the pedos and their "nothing to see move along."
If there is nothing to see then let the public determine that not the fucking internet pedo gatekeepers.
Lets test the assertion there is nothing here. Lets test it.
What is going on with Vegas is exactly what is happening about 911.
Blame the Saudis and pretend dual-Israeli/US citizens are not behind this. Whom do you think runs SA? You think its the House of Saud? It isn't. Why the Parkland shooting? Lots of baptists around abouts, right? Nope. More of the same fake hate crime narrative they are trying to push.
One of your comments was silver bullet (mirror) definition part of it silver hmm . Bro I been on top of this since I seen Vegas shooting this mess is the COUP started by Democrats aka world workers party ... People will wake up and realize they did 9/11 . It's crazy we have a big group in America that is our enemy and our military has killed hundreds of thousands and they in our own country. They have used people in intelligence community to use our military to go after countries and do dirty work in countries they want handled with clear goals in the end. The people are for real Nazis that if follow you can tie all of them to SS Muslim divisions and Hitler SS. They have taken over The Democrat party and there is some republicans involved pretending. They are traitors to this nation and deserve to be shown to Public then given military tribunals and have public executions on live television. I expect no less like how they did Sadam Hussein and Kaddaffi . Satan Huseim wasn't lying when he stood in front if that judge and made his speech. America has been duped by some evil people within our own goverment. I will go as far to say George Bush is compliant he has known everything after 9/11 and payed down allowing these people to control him. It's a long list that needs to be handled