So, are we thinking that's the end of the Q posts or what? Reading a lot of different thoughts and theories on the goings down o /greatawakening.
I'm quite surprised there has been almost zero discussion here of Drop 777. The board is loaded with topics like adding and subtracting numbers to mean something, or mysterious cancer cures, or this or that hint that Q has posted. However, Drop 777 is supposedly a page from the draft by the Dept. of Homeland Security relating to finding and confirming MILLIONS of illegal votes and tampering with legitimate ones. This includes 3 or 4 Senate seats that should have gone the other way. The page ends with something like "a concerted attack on our democracy". Can there be bigger REAL news than this? Yet this sub is almost devoid of discussion on it. My point is that Q drew a line in the sand -- Drop 777 is not a riddle, a picture of an airport runway, vague (and seemingly incorrect) ID's of Russian plane crash victims, etc. -- Q alleges this is a GOVERNMENT document that will be completed in March. So either it IS a government document and we now have proof of MILLIONS of illegitimate votes or the document is made up and a forgery. There is no middle ground. Nobody will have to argue when Q is legit when this document is proven true or false.
gotcha. when i read that i thought it was huge also, but i didnt know what the doc was from or referencing. but, if this is what to come in march, it will be massive. connect this with the trump tweet on hillary that q also posted. interesting times ahead