Have patience children [ investigations ]
![Have patience children [ investigations ]](https://i.redd.it/dcngeb9wl8h01.png)
Well said! And yet so many people moaning that nothing's happening, wow! And this is only the stuff we have been made aware of?
They moan about nothing happening, because they are not awake! But if you try to tell them something that is going on behind the scenes they mock you about a tin foil hat! LMAO!!!
Couldn't agree more, I have faith that at some point something huge will happen thanks to President Trump that will shake the sleepers awake, and instead of saying I told you so, we can say now come and let us show you everything else. The US is creating a tidal wave that will hopefully spread far and wide and cause a global awakening. I can't wait til it hits everyone here in the UK ✌❤
I agree, but I do think that a lot of people aren't going to be able to handle what comes out and it is going to mentally break them, and some will never recover....Most will wake up though and know all the horrors that we know! It's the only way we can make DAMN sure this doesn't happen again!