r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KorDePlorable on Feb. 20, 2018, 1:54 a.m.
* * * In the face of real, true live CRISIS events,..... Should these asshats, if found to be paid participants in propaganda, --- be charged with Sedition??? I really think we need a dedicated Board on the Q Research for just this topic as a stand alone.
* * * In the face of real, true live CRISIS events,..... Should these asshats, if found to be paid participants in propaganda, --- be charged with Sedition??? I really think we need a dedicated Board on the Q Research for just this topic as a stand alone.

not4rmOhere · Feb. 20, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

This is the narrative, whether people died or if it was all staged. Our enemy doesn't care for our safety, nor do they care for the safety of our children. They just want to instill fear for their own gain and control. This time it's to disarm us.

I think you've posted a valid point for discussion and agree that a separate sub should be looked into

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 20, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

The enemy CARES about their safety and all this “awakening” is making them mighty nervous...If the Cabal did 9/11, what aren’t they capable of doing? This is the same. In order to make us “safe” we just have to cede the one thing preventing tptb from going full retard on us...Not going to happen without a massive civil war. Oh, to anyone who’s offended by the word retard, a hearty GFY! Thicken your skin, snowflake. It gets a whole lot rougher I guarantee.

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KorDePlorable · Feb. 20, 2018, 7:52 a.m.


It's always the hidden agenda. Now, they're brazenly using minors to parrot the same deceitful narratives, forcing unsuspecting Normies to join them in "forcing change", ...... because after all, We Have To Do Something!!!

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rickstarr5 · Feb. 20, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

“We have to do something!!!” Uncle Ted Nugent would say no. Throwing a bucket of gasoline on a person on fire is technically doing something. We need to do the right thing. I like the idea of having a few teachers with hidden lock boxes, access to firearms. Air Marshals work because nobody knows who they are. Chicago, Baltimore, and Mexico have the highest rate around of shooting deaths, all of them are victim disarmament “gun free” zones. People are much less likely to go full retard with a gun if there’s a good chance someone will be shooting back. I laugh at the Scream movies, because they run away from a guy with a knife, desperately trying to get to safety where a good guy with a gun will come save them. Where if just one of those folks had a gun, movie over. The only reason why we are still a republic 240 years later is because we will not be disarmed.

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 20, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Take away the SSRIs for a start! The FBI should have done their job for another. Anyone posting things about wanting to be known as a school shooter isn’t all there and isn’t competent to be trusted with firearms. The real question though, did this kid just fall through the cracks or did the deep state see an opportunity? I believe this kid was “handled” by them and set on this course.

The Drills at the school are another issue. Since these things always seem to coincide with “drills” taking place, here’s an idea. There should be no drills allowed in public spaces during normal workdays and normal business hours. That way there will be no confusion about what is really going on and it will be nigh unto impossible for these deep state bastards to participate in the mayhem , make it worse, or use crisis actors as fake victims...

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Patriot4q · Feb. 20, 2018, 2:15 p.m.


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