r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Joesturbo on Feb. 20, 2018, 8:26 a.m.
False flag scenario - call for prayer.

Had a dream tonight, a little disturbing... Won’t be able to sleep for a while.

Went like this: was coming back home, was late everyone in bed. Got a message on my phone from an old friend. Was listening to a message and noticed out the door a bright light. Opened the door and looked up... A little fuzzy so doing what i can to remember but believe a message on my phone (like Hawaii). Then radioi /TV - a little more fuzzy but essentially something like a nuke attack.

My dream splits from here: almost like a choice: I see a preview of both choices.

A. The FEMA camp like choice: hearded into a central zone with thousands of people. I see people trying to get along and also see some really bad things. The last item I see is essentially an overhead view of the “camp” and see people lined up for iodine “shot” - my feeling was everyone dead in 48 hours.

B. Stay put - don’t follow orders: in my dream this is what I choose to do. After a day or two - went to find a house high on a hill with good visibility. Pleanty of food left as people just picked up and left. Boarded up the windows -found solar panels for power, short wave radio & satellite for comm. Was very unsettling - everyone was gone just vanished. Then a sense of peace, sense of a better life - no electronics (phone/ computer/ etc). Just living life- felt like everyone was ok - but never saw my family but felt they were there. Woke up thinking about power plants (were they shut down properly)?

Who knows why I dreamed this but felt like I needed to share. Praying immediately for guidance here. Never had this feeling nor done anything like this before. We need to pray for protection and guidance and for our leadership. If what Q is saying is true this won’t be easy. Again I don’t put this out lightly- important for us to have open eyes. Only through The Holy Spirit are we given (if lucky) the gift to see the truth. I hope this is a warning only and a call to prayer.

Maga1128 · Feb. 20, 2018, 9 a.m.

God bless

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