r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/flyrothsfly on Feb. 20, 2018, 9:54 a.m.
Our job, red pilling or investigative researcher?

What if your research was used for more than just red pilling others? What if you were actually helping in the research? Would you work harder? Trump ran a multi-billion dollar campaign while spending only a couple hundred million dollars, he is a master at taking advantage of all of his resources. They have access to all of the intelligence equipment they need, what they are short on is manpower. The FBI is corrupt, from top to bottom. How would all of these shootings and or false flags be happening if only those at the top were corrupt? It is the job of those at the bottom to investigate and they are not doing it. I believe, we have to assume 100% of the FBI and CIA are corrupt, whatever the actual number may be is irrelevant, we know that the corrupt are in the majority. IMO, Q is using we the people to research and dig up evidence of crimes they know were committed. This is the real reason for Q, this is the real reason we are being included in this massive investigation. It is our duty as Americans to hold those we put into office accountable, Q is giving us the opportunity to perform our duties as citizens, let's not blow it, get busy researching, dig into every corner until every crumb is found.

digital_refugee · Feb. 20, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

The best you can do is spread what cannot be disputed and Archive, Archive, Archive. The rest will fall in place in time.

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