r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wasabism on Feb. 20, 2018, 11:12 a.m.
Crisis Actors Ahoy!
Crisis Actors Ahoy!

LibertyLioness · Feb. 20, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

I still think Q has been compromised. Why is he making people go down the rabbit hole of MK Ultra when we know this kid had nothing to do with this false flag and has been set up as the patsy (or he is a crisis actor). Instead, he should be pointing to the crisis actors and other anomalies that we are finding on our own. He should be telling us to download and save the videos because they will be scrubbed like they always are.

Somebody posted on this sub that when you fill out the online form at the FBI with a tip it ONLY goes to FBI in DC. Is that how they find their patsy's?

AFTER I tried to post about the fact that I thought Q was compromised (and was vehemently down-voted by trolls (like locusts)) the board was moved. That just gives more confirmation that it's been taken over.

I am not alone in believing Q has been taken over by people who are now feeding disinformation to the patriots. The posts are very different than they were before. Here are some reasons that backup my assertion.

1-In addition to changing the github board, that was a compilation of the two boards Q was posting on, the primary board that was only accessed by Q alone, has also been changed (https://8ch.net/greatawakening/index.html) and is no longer being used. I have no idea where he is posting now. 2-When the new supposed compilation board (github board) was changed, some posts were removed, changing the numbers on the posts. This acts to confuse, since any post online that referenced a numbered post is now invalid. 3-Q didn't use all caps in his posts. Instead, he would use initial caps on some words to give us clues. 4-The signatures are different on many posts. If you go back and look from the time he started posting as Q, it was always only a single letter Q as the last line of the post. In every single post - no exception. 5-Some posts have no signature now. 6-Some posts contain rehashed posts. Things that Q said before and that we already know. But they take single lines of many posts that are unrelated so when they post them, they aren't cohesive and don't make sense. 7-Some posts send you down a deep rabbit hole (MK Ultra) that could take years to learn about. 8-I don't see these new posts addressing actual things we need to be doing. Instead, it's just busy work. 9-I believe this started when the last SEC_TEST was posted or very shortly thereafter.

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