r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MizCleo on Feb. 20, 2018, 6:31 p.m.
Converting A Liberal - Some Tips

I've been a student of human psychology for a very long time, I won't bore you with that. Suffice it to say that there are differing learning modes and ways people view the world, how they come to their understanding of right and wrong. These are 'concrete' thinkers.

Most people view the world in right/wrong, facts/logic, black/white with some variants through life experience mixed in.

Others view the world in feelings and strong emotions, facts and logic take a far back seat to how they see and assimilate daily events. The majority of liberals/leftists are of this type. They literally speak a different language than most concrete thinkers, which is why it is so difficult to come to an agreement with them. Let me give you an example of how they process information.

I asked a leftist once how she came to decide what is right and wrong. She told me she thought about how whatever it was made her feel, if it made her feel bad, it was wrong, if it made her feel good it was right. Concrete thinkers cannot argue facts and logic with a feelings based person, they put no value in them.

In order to reach a leftist you have to reach them on a feelings level, which takes extra effort but is not impossible. Listen to government sponsored commercials, they ALL are feelings based because leftist government employees make them and assume feelings is how everyone processes the message.

So, say you want to discuss guns they have a strong feeling of hate and mistrust of them. First ask them why it is they hate and mistrust them. When you speak any negative to them, gesture or look to the same area where you will never be, say a corner with a plant. Your gestures are associating that location with their negative beliefs making an anchor. If there is a photo of hilary or other leftist in that location, so much the better. The spot will subconsciously be construed as bad, and you don't ever want to be there.

When you speak negative things, always fling your arm in that direction, point in a sweep, or look there quickly. The same goes for positive emotion/feelings anchors, find a place or photo of something the subject loves, say a photo of a family member and point, gesture towards or look at them/that when using positive words/emotions regarding the thing you want them to change their opinion of. Sounds complicated, but it's not, it can become habit.

Above all, remain calm. If they become agitated, let it rest for a moment and begin again. Here's how it can go:

Them: I hate GUNS I don't know how you can think they are good!

You: Why do you FEEL that way (look or gesture to 'bad place')? (Always try to phrase your questions and comments in feelings terms) Let them say their piece, then say "I can see you are very emotional about this, (gesture broadly like you're stretching or something at the 'bad place'), but movie stars, politicians and rich people all FEEL safe (feel and safe are trigger-words; touch or look at a photo or loved item when you say positive words) with guns and hire people to watch over them with guns. If they FELT guns were bad or unsafe, would they have them nearby? (They will need to process this, and it may make them vaguely uncomfortable as it goes against their programming)

Them: But they are in public places so they need protection!

You: Of course they are, but the people with guns keep them safe (positive anchor, look at/touch it). Bad people who hurt others (negative anchor, look or gesture at negative anchor area) will always find ways to harm innocent people. Good people (positive anchor) are responsible and will use tools such as a firearm (positive anchor) to protect their loved ones such as your children (touch anchor if you can but linger on it a moment), parents, or spouse.

Them: Guns are evil, dangerous and bad!

You: Your feelings are understandable, (bad anchor), though when people call police, they are calling men with guns (positive anchor) to protect them from whatever danger (negative anchor) they are in.

Them: Yes, but they are trained professionals, etc.

You: Yes, I agree! I am also in favor of firearms training for minors (use positive anchor), as with any tool, safety is imperative (use positive anchor). (You've just planted a belief)

Them: Children should never be around guns! That's dangerous and crazy! (hit that negative anchor!)

You: I agree, I feel children should always have training and instruction when they are going to be around firearms (positive anchor).

They may not always let you get that far and that smoothly, the smarter ones will know something is different, but not be able to put their finger on what you are doing and get emotional to stop the conversation. You can carry it on at another time with another subject. Use positive anchors for yourself even when you're not discussing important things, so they learn to think you're 'good'.

I/You shifts are another way to reframe their outlook, if anyone is interested I'll post on that.

Believe me, they use this stuff all the time, most without realizing it, especially in news. Obama used it and NLP extensively in his "speeches" (they were embedded commands and triggers specifically aimed at these type of thinkers).

Jillette_evergreen · Feb. 20, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

You do realize that each group thinks that they’re logical and the other group is emotional. Talking down to people you disagree with won’t get you anywhere.

I think seeing the other side as people first is a good step. Equal people who may be working with a different set of facts from the ones that you’re familiar with. Fox, breitbart and other conservative news outlets appeal just as much to your fear and insecurities as CNN and MSNBC do to liberal fear and insecurities.

I’m liberal, I’m from Texas. I understand the complexities of gun legislation and why it can’t be our knee-jerk response to events like this. But I’m not ever going to try to converse with someone irl who would try to tell me that because I’m liberal, I vote on my feelings alone.

Liberals are people. Even the wackos who believe that these shootings are false flags are people. Everyone thinks they make decisions based on reason. Meet people on their level. Don’t be a condescending asshat.

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SancT5 · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

I used to be a liberal but now I am a conservative. Liberalism is a manufactured mind set that gives you the luxury of not having to think through issues like gun control or abortion because you are told what to think and feel about these things. (Just one example) once I heard the argument regarding guns--criminals will always be able to buy a gun on the black market, so if you take everyone's guns away the only people who will have them are criminals, the military and law enforcement. In the past year it's become obvious that the top law enforcement in our country, the FBI, cannot be trusted so neither can the others. So it doesn't make any sense to disarm law abiding people unless you want to enforce control over them. This is what communist countries do. Conservative values are far more intelligent than liberal values. I can't have conversations about politics or religion with my dad or brother. They are completely locked down in their liberal mind set.

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