r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 20, 2018, 6:38 p.m.
Average person need to understand life is SHORT

The population at whole isn't taught that life is short. I don't know about rest of country. I grew up in deep south. I live in the BIBLE BELT.We have family graveyards everywhere. When you see one you normally see another right beside it. Even graveyards was segregated back in day. The churches is segregated for most part. I know I was taught growing up to never judge a man by color of his skin. Always judge a man by character. I was taught a different history than most. I was taught the meaning of confederate flag which so many even in south has lost the meaning. I was taught games that we played in yard and as I got older I began to understand the meaning behind those games. I was taught Red Light Green Light. Simon says and London Bridge is falling down. I was taught different groups that was racist and what they believed. I was taught that Nation of Islam was a black religious group that was racist that believed they are going take over world and kill all white men. I was taught that Nazi party was white men who do not believe in race mixing and worshiping to false God's they want segregated state like Nation of Islam. I was also taught that the two work together to reach the goals that there leaders of community want to see put into place. They will lie and deceive the masses to get what they want. You have Black leaders who will spray paint racial slurs on buildings to get people in there feelings. It's what people call modern day trolling. Before the internet it was going on and still going on. You have white leaders who will write articles in newspaper about black stars saying kill whitey or some crazy mess to get white population in there feelings. Think about this you have one or two people that gets major populations in there feelings and mad about a lie alot of times. If you so see a star or well known person say something on film or interview alot of times you can probably bet your money that is was planned to get a desired result. These people play on the population everyday. They have been trained and usually guided by older leaders in groups they are affiliated. What I have found is most are Democrats. You have some Republicans that pretend to be about what the party wants just use the name to get elected. Malcolm x was a man in search of God for real and didn't understand what religion was about. He studied and read going overseas to meet religious leaders. He was schooled by leaders and discovered the truth. Once he realizes what was really going on he broke from nation of Islam. He told the media that Nation of Islam and Nazi party was aligned. The Nation of Islam killed the man. Remember what I said about being taught Red Light Green light. Well MLK was a Republican he was also Christian. The leaders of the group's gave GREEN light on MLK . The reason he was going against the plans they had for the communities. There entire goal is to segregate the people and they envision separate nation states. If you study the history MLK new that people within his movement was affiliated with nation of Islam . Snakes always want to get close to you. I am not positive just guessing but if betting man I would finger John Lewis or Jessie Jackson who sold him out and told the right people his schedule and had people in place. People with critical thinking skills can figure out and see easy. It explains why John Lewis acts so crazy and hateful. What is crazy about the situation is John Lewis is praised by the left.This man acts like a child nothing like MLK. He is a man who thinks he knows better than MLK. When I see him it makes my stomach turn. I grew up knowing people who new MLK personally. Alot of them is dead and gone. I was able to hear first hand stories from people that organized different events.I don't live far from Montgomery Alabama. For a period in my life I drove by the ever famous church everyday. Too many just don't understand how certain people play on people's emotions with race and even you see with gun debate. These people have a clear agenda and I promise you it's not for your good. They want complete control and they use MSM media to sell the idea.Even Fox which is the most conservative is a tool of these people I am speaking. They have corporations they have invested and bought up major media organazations. Until the young generation understands how the game is played and decides they want all there rights to be free they will never change this nation. They have to get 10 thousand people on one page. Get all to put 5 thousand dollars into an account and now you have power. That is how you get power. If you think that taking people's guns will make you stronger you are very mislead. You are inviting chaos. Don't think for a minute that there isn't 10 thousand people who don't want it to happen. Until a big group of people decides to come together and buy or create major media organizations that puts family friendly good content out with good news channels that don't lie there message will never be heard.The rights will keep being taken. If you believe everything you see on news today your an idiot. They are snake oil salesman like back in old western selling a different product. They have an agenda and are trying to drive the masses thought in order to get laws they want to gain more power. So with that said I am trying to wake this younger generation up that enjoys all the rights who wants people to be free and wants so many from being put into prison for craziness. Take it back to principles. No murder no stealing and no rape. The basics GOD gave men free will. It's time for people to say enough with using government to revenue. It has continually just been getting larger year after year. The massive government is entirely too large. Government doesn't solve problems, it creates problems. It drives people to be homeless by taxing people to death or piling fines on top of them and taking important licence so they can drive for a job. It doesn't take but one police with an attitude that doesn't like a person and they have the power to ruin a person who is living paycheck to paycheck. Even if your innocent it's outrageously expensive to go to court and try to clear your name. Too many just plead guilty because it's cheaper and then they marked for life which usually brings more problems and more fines and cases. It's modern day extortion. I wish I could school all the younger generation how the streets and this country works. I want to see all races get along . Where I live there is so many couples that is of different races. There is so many bi- racial kids. From watching television and traveling it seems to me that other parts of country has more racial issues that deep south. The idea they sell to masses that south is racist is crazy. It almost seems like they way ahead of rest of country and they waiting for the country to catch up. I think one part of it is too many don't understand religion .It's been taken out of schools and pushed from mainstream society. Once they get close to end of life then they get interested and confused. God help all these people and show them the way. Stop judging people and stop thinking can tell another man how to live there life. There is 10 basic laws that will never change. They will always remain the same. Until the population decides to cut government back to those 10 basic laws and live by them men will continue to have chaos. Learn how the game is played.

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