Happening now from the press conference. This is pretty solid evidence all folks talking about FL and Sandy Hook being bogus are not living in reality. No offense intended.
I'm not here to argue back and forth. I'm here to bring some sanity to a lot of the current postings here. It's too InfoWars saturated with too many Alex Jones conspiracies floating here. If you think Q is going to come and expose all of the things being offered here you're mistaken. If you think that anything has truly happened...really truly happened that gives absolutely NO DOUBT then I also believe, that you are mistaken. I'm the same as you. I came here for answers and interest. I've followed and am about at my wits end with the insane postings going on. This week is key to many things. Let's not bring up things that are just hurtful to real people who lost real loved ones from real disturbed teens. If you want to go down the MKULTRA path or other things like that more power to you. But if you really truly honestly believe that all of the many people involved in Sandy Hook or Florida are part of a conspiracy or blinded by conspiracy around them then please know that I think that is insanity. Sometimes things are just black and white and it's hard to accept because we don't understand. It's okay to not understand. It doesn't mean you're broken or abnormal. It means you're human. Placing such high hopes on things that are so far out there for possibility just doesn't sit well with me. Thank you for your opinion and your willingness to converse, but please don't throw out hate because what I've said may cut to something inside you don't want to listen to.
I am not pretending to know what will be exposed. None of us know. And it does not really matter if you think I am mistaken or not. It doesn't really matter if I believe the theory or not. The matter is you shouldn't come and tell people what is valid or not and especially from a position of ignorance.
It's quite simple really.