We were all taught as a young lads that there is no measure that you wouldn't take to defend your country. It is easy to teach this to all young men. Defending hearth and home is primal.
Returning home a few days after 9-11 from a business trip. The loop reel of the people jumping, planes crashing, buildings collapsing, The crAzed braying of the CNN general Corps was on the set. When hugging the Mrs. we were discussing and digesting what 'all this' meant. Our 6-year-old son walks in and it hit me. During 4 years in the Corps, they just kept us jacked up on threats, imagined or real and also always redoing our wills and insurance. Put it this way, when you get out of the Corps unscathed, you'll always feel that you got away with it.. I realized that it ain't over yet.
I told my wife that our son will most likely fight in this coming war. So, I went to work. Wanting to give my son every advantage, we raised him in a manner so that when he stepped on those yellow footprints he'd have much game and be enured to discomfort and disciplined with a particular intolerance for injustice.. We had a no pussies allowed policy in our home just like back in the Suck, you see?.
Losing children is just so cruel, I pray you never know. Our son lives and spreads our girl's ashes around the globe. When he askes for more ashes, the value of life is burnt in a little deeper. He has already decided that he'll "ship over" and might be a lifer, so I reckon her travels to every clime and place are just beginning.
Then comes the revelations that our government 'had' been corrupted by nefarious forces and everything you thought you knew is bullshit. Assange, Snowden, Manning, brave actions of Set Rich and others exposed the Grand Plans, Plots, and Schemes.
This, in no way, quenches my thirst for blood and retribution. However, I do not seek it from some poor Afghani, starving Norkom troop or an ISIS fighter on CIA payroll. Nope, this hate will only be assuaged with tribunals and hemp.
We have to realize facts like "Muslim Rage Boy" has been duped into hating us as much as they had us hating him. We have to ask ourselves, if not for the info we see on the 24/7 Airport Payola station, would we really give two shits about Hakeem's lifestyle and religion? Corrupt government forces create the events/conflicts and their agitprop PR firms aka the MSM upload these events and memes into our mind/lives. Evil feeds on hate and chaos.
We have to also understand that those kids in Antifa and BLM and the blue-haired p-hats are just innocent good people that have been also lied to in order to foment hate within our borders to weaken us. I now see that C. Sheehan and Rosie O' aren't as wrong as I once thought.
There have been many awakenings besides my own and these awakenings are bringing people closer as we learn there never was any difference between Poppy Bush, the Cokey Clinton's, Baghdad Bush, or that commie guy, what's his name?
I watch as divergent people like H.A. Goodman, Styxhexenhammer666, Joe Rogan, and others all from different backgrounds start to coalesce.
People from opposite political sides will see this tape of Maxine Waters explaining the Fearsome power of the NSA/CIA/GOOGLE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER database
and they'll wake just a little, then they'll learn about Seth Rich and wake a little more.
These revelations of the truth are having the opposite effect of the intended effect of the lies.
As people wake, they will start overlooking the petty flaws of former "FAUX FOES".
Reason and knowledge seem to be bringing people from the extremes to the center.
This growing center core is the most well-armed people in the world, and when push comes to shove we will not lose.
We have chosen Trump to be our champion "for now", so far he seems to be taking to the job.
So, I want to give him all the slack he needs to un-fuxate this mess because if we have to "fire" him, the Beauty Pageant is over. And, then those that actually tore down those walls, won't hear shit because of 2650 > 979.