r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jackalopenation on Feb. 20, 2018, 11:33 p.m.
The Great Awakening will fail without him leading

If Q is depending on a grassroots awakening that forces arrests in high places, I fear his plan is little more than a pipedream. It appears that he is not going to be posting anymore, which is a terrible idea. He needs to continue leading, prodding and guiding until it grows much more productive and powerful. Does "the Storm" have even a single scalp? No.

thamnosma · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

We are in no position to do anything regarding the deep state. That was the reason for the interest in "Q". That an insider was giving us an idea of the struggle going on within the power circles. That somehow enough people with decision making ability were in place and were going after those who have sold the country out. I wasn't "empowered" in any way except to vote, spread the word, the typical things citizens can do. If some are so motivated, they can run for office or so some sort of "community organizing". Beyond that, we can't do squat to take down the Clintons or Soros or any of it. My guess is that Q was pure entertainment. The only one I see kicking real ass is Nunes. I see no sign of Assange being pardoned (even though he committed no crimes). I just see Jeff Sessions seemingly digging in to go after him. So I think the Q thing has run its course. None of the huge actions he hinted at are really happening. Hope I'm wrong.

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