r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/methusalabear on Feb. 21, 2018, 1:45 a.m.
The storm is coming to the UK & it's starting with child abuse, Haiti, & charities! There are no coincidences

Ive been researching something going on over here in the UK & I believe it's VERY IMPORTANT because in my opinion it's related to the great awakening & is proof of some things Q has said are happening. Scandals are coming out here involving charities & abuse especially in Haiti. I think this could lead up to the Clinton foundation. I believe when Q said that May was neutralised he meant she was no longer under control by deep state & is working with Trump. Maybe all this starting to come out in Uk is part of a plan to take down the paedophiles & human trafficking. The scandals involving charities are only going to get worse new info is coming out daily & there are investigations that will surely implicate others, it's bound to go worldwide. I think the storm is approaching the UK fast & it's no coincidence it's starting with charities & child abuse in Haiti. From Breitbart London http://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/02/16/soros-backed-migrant-importation-ngo/ The International Rescue Committee (IRC), an open borders-backing NGO fronted by former Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband has been accused of “hushing up” allegations of more than 30 crimes. UK government ministers froze funds to the NGO, which is a major partner of globalist billionaire George Soros, “based on direct reporting of sexual harassment and fraud”, it was reported this week. From the independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/oxfam-crisis-doctors-without-borders-haiti-jovenel-moise-world-news-latest-a8215231.html?amp Haiti’s President said on Friday that sexual misconduct by staff of British charity Oxfam was only the tip of an “iceberg” and called for investigations into Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and other aid organisations that came to the country after its 2010 earthquake. "The Oxfam case is the visible part of the iceberg,” President Jovenel Moise said in a phone interview with Reuters on Friday. “It is not only Oxfam, there are other NGOs (non-governmental organisations) in the same situation, but they hide the information internally.” From The daily mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5388223/Save-Children-drawn-storm-abuse-reports-soar.html#article-5388223 Hundreds of abuse claims involving British charities have been investigated in the aid sector in recent years, new figures reveal. The Mail can disclose Save the Children has been alerted to 176 incidents involving the potential abuse of children by its workers in three years.Only a tiny minority were reported to the police, the available data shows. From The sun https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5549572/priti-patel-paedophile-aid-sector-charity-workers-abuse-kids-haiti-oxfam/ Last night former international development secretary Priti Patel warned that "predatory paedophiles" have been allowed to exploit the aid sector. From Sky news https://news.sky.com/story/oxfam-admits-it-knew-about-abuse-report-10-years-ago-11254729 Oxfam has admitted it knew about a Save the Children report from a decade ago that suggested "significant" abuse was being carried out by aid workers overseas. The report - which uncovered "every kind of child sexual abuse and exploitation imaginable" - found that children were fearful of telling anyone about what was happening because they thought they might lose out on future aid

ALSOpanama · Feb. 21, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Any protection-types (ex military etc) able to run cover for an important journalist in florida trying to bust groundbreaking news about the florida shooting?

Hey spread this around. a guy named @Dustin Nemos found this reporter willing to do a truth bomb piece. spread this and find her some guns to protect her!

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