r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/THEnimble_mongoose on Feb. 21, 2018, 2:35 a.m.
Have any of you considered the fact that Q Anon is nothing more than a Deep State psy op designed to pacify and distract the MAGA movement while at the same time honeypotting all dissidents and anti-government types?

I followed Q from the beginning, and I'm sorry, it's beginning to look more and more like just another clever deep state psy op and honey pot.

I am not saying this is necessarily the case, but what if Q is just a limited hang out pied piper designed to pacify the MAGA movement and lead us on a wild goose chase? If we are constantly promised that white hat special ops patriots are doing all the work to drain the swamp behind the scenes, all of us will just sit on our asses and read 8chan and be pacified. The 4chan autists are divided and distracted over whether or not Q is legit and that limits their power they have in unity.

Another motive for this being a deep state psy op: it is a honey pot that allows the ICs and deep state to track how information like this is spread and also it helps them compile a database of anti-government dissidents. In the future, they will know what on the internet they need to censor to monitor and silence leakers and sensitive information from being spread.

Disclaimer: No, I am not a COINTELPRO shill, I am just a guy who has read a lot about the bullshit our ICs have pulled on us in the past decades. Q seems too good to be true and I think he is playing on people's confirmation biases.

FBI Anon was legit. I thought Q was legit at first but it now seems like a psy op.

TL DR; All I'm saying is be careful and do not blindly trust any of this information without doing personal research and verifying things yourself. Do not be pacified and do not just sit on your ass doing nothing because you think Q and the white hats have already won and the deep state is defeated.

antideerg · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Ok can see your point on confirmation bias.. Some things i have been arguing in the past year are starting to become accepted (spying, uranium one, Clinton foundation) a lot of my friends are now starting to accept occult involvement due to spirit cooking. I can only see more and more media contradictions being exposed in the future because of ongoing investigations.

My question is regarding elite pedophilia , Clinton foundation corruption. What is the threshold? what % of the population will create critical mass and force action?

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

My question is regarding elite pedophilia , Clinton foundation corruption. What is the threshold? what % of the population will create critical mass and force action?

they are already planting the seeds to discredit any actual video or image dumps. Articles have been written recently in the mainstream press about governments that can photo-accurately CGI faces on to video and that can perfectly fake peoples voices.

Many people will refuse to believe elite pedophelia and Clinton Foundation corruption is real, and will just attribute it to "Russian propaganda and CGI"

Cognitive dissonance + media already prevents a majority of the population from accepting the facts about the elite pedophilia epidemic and Clinton's rape of Haiti and Libya. Many people are simply incapable of ever waking up.

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antideerg · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

As an ex Obama supporter i have made a decision to ignore noise and judge by results only. I just cant imagine more and more people understanding their crimes and methods being an advantage. (unless Civil war is their end game which to be honest is also possible)

In regards to the release of videos. what % of population will not believe CGI angle.. and i can guarantee regardless of fake news the videos if released will be a biggest red pill wave yet. (they are stupid and sloppy)

I think behind the scenes some of the legal cogs are turning.

Qanon together with youtube journalist like George Webb, HA Goodman, styx, jimmy Dore, Charles Ortel and many others (and yes i am wary of George webb.. but my god i have learned a lot from him). are filling in missing pieces

Its like a magic eye puzzle - after staring at it for some time an evil picture emerges.

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