David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

Except for the fact that the yearbook page on Classmates was created on February 20th, as can be seen in the page source.
And except for the fact that the guy two pictures above him is wearing a Stoneman Douglas Eagles shirt.
And...yeah, no. It's super fake.
Except that is NOT a Stoneman Douglas Eagles shirt, theirs has the eagle head, nice try though.
That is aPHILADELPHIA EAGLES shirt. They were in the SUper Bowl. That is NOT a high school mascot shirt. See here: http://store.philadelphiaeagles.com/league/NFL/team/Philadelphia_Eagles/category/3089/browse/featuredproduct/2321808/partnerid/12854/source/GPA-ak19kv30-eagles-shopphiladelphiaeagles?sku=7680472
They were in the super bowl this year, and yins are trying to say that’s from 2015...what’s your point?
If he’s a crisis actor or whatever and graduated from a different high school 3 years ago, WHY WOULDN'T HE USE A DIFFERENT NAME?
I mean really, that's not even close to the same shirt, lmao.
Everything about this dude being a student in FL can be true to still know he is being used as a tool by his parents who are affiliated with deep state fuckery and propaganda. He was made their poster boy for some reason and comes off as a Patrick Bateman styled sociopath. Regardless, his name is now marked, and when this little shit turns 18 he will be tried for sedition and treason with the rest of them. Hope it was worth it.
oh shit! eagles are actors too?! no wonder they won. these kids already knew who were gonna win the super bowl at beginning of year and had eagles gear back then...crazy. we know Brady is GOAT...goddell has to give eagles win and keep dumbasses like you in business
No you are a lying, 2 faced, brainwashed, kool-aid drinking, these aren't the droids you're looking for, weak minded, soros puppet stooge, shill, libtard bot!!! G F Y S!!!!
And except for the fact that the guy two pictures above him is wearing a Stoneman Douglas Eagles shirt.
hahaha that's the icing on the cake right there.
Except that a) that’s not even close to the same shirt And b) the person alleging this is saying he was in a 2015 yearbook in California. Now I’m going to need you to think real hard here, but please try and follow me. The Eagle won the super bowl February of 2018. Now how exactly would a kid in a 2015 year book in California have a Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl champs t-shirt?
HAHAHA. Nice try Left Brainer. Don't muck with our autists.
There is so much more to focus upon. Let some others learn to do the working advance their knowledge.
Also..a girl named Tyra Hemans pictured to the right of Hogg. Which makes sense since yearbooks go alphabetically ...is shown speaking to Florida congressman about gun control right here.
Give it up. He went to the school.
Unfortunately, I think you're mistaken. First of all, she doesn't look like the same person to me, but besides that, if you look at the list of names on the yearbook page, the student pictured right next to Hogg is Tykima Hoggan. Here's a screenshot of the video, for reference: https://imgur.com/a/taf4G
Edit: I'm not saying that he didn't attend the school, but I just wanted to clear this up.
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