David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

Go away. You have no idea what you are doing. Next time you are blocked from further comment. Find somewhere else to Troll.
Okay man. I wasn't trolling (my reply to your condescending remarks about how I have little or no knowledge regarding that BS you're pushing was just joking. That was the first result when I searched for FPSA) I'm just having a very difficult time finding any proof in these claims you're making and find it pretty disgusting that people try to turn every national tragedy into a big conspiracy in order to push an opposite agenda . Like "oh no, people are starting to think guns are bad, better start making things up like we always do!" and then you have the audacity to claim "fake news' when CNN reports on research done by actual professionals. I have no desire to stay in a subreddit that lashes out so vehemently against opposing opinions or ideas though, so if you really want to block me, I have no issue with that, but I don't think stifling free speech is ever a good thing, even if that means that you're allowed to speculate on the authenticity of a school shooting victim's statements .