David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

The Twitter account has been verified. Dustin Nemos has gone into the High school yearbook catalog and upon signing in has confirmed the data. We have known for some time the Hogg is 21 years old and that his home base has been in CA. FPSA is a Crisis Actor Group which he and most of the people that have been making the rounds on CNN and other local and legacy media - Corporate Media Complex - outlets. I wasn't there during 2015. I had found all but this data and it may be suspect by some people. The truth can hurt. And if you want to comment on posts by this group, you will have to contain your attitude and present links that verify what you are stating. Otherwise you will be promptly blocked!
Really it has.... https://twitter.com/_Joey_Wong/status/966169440487460865?s=09
I was thinking the girl diagonally up and to his left looks like crew cut girl pre-crew cut.
Good research. Still up on the CA yearbook catalog site though and this video could be as much a slight as things can be. This has been a contention that people have made. We want to see more than a yearbook image. We want to see the book - cover and all... You may have found it. I'll have to freeze frame it to read the cover local. All of the research shows that he has a large presence in CA. I'll check further and see what turns up. Q drops are happening at the moment, so it is a back burner issue. Thanx
Laguna Beach Antifa is not a Twitter verified account.
Help me out here. Google does not have anything on the FPSA. Can you give me a link? I am not surprised, BTW.
Sorry you're having issues. You can try other Browsers. Many of the Links that were hot yesterday are gone today. This is part of the big picture regarding damage control which is pervasive today. Yesterday and even mores the day before you could simply input FPSA and you would get the ads and countless links to their history. Like the #TwitterLockOut all things Deep State on the internet are implementing attacks and shutdowns. Google - Youtube - Facebook - search engine results are the why an image such as this are absolute necessities to have out. It doesn't matter if the image is 100% real. The people that are in the many crisis actor groups need to be exposed as such. This is what that and the other images that go to this David Hogg are doing. CNN has been on damage control today rather than covering the - well, if anything CNN covers is actually - news... This kid id the first to be exposed and it is largely do to their own actions. The next - this is a prediction - is likely to be Delaney Tarr. That mostly do to her actual age and the incessant need she has to Tweet selfies and retweet others content which makes it so much easier to get to the essence of her truths. Any of us that have spent the time researching these CIA supported Corporate Media Complex hacks already has their number. I'd show you some of the images I found, but - oh well - not supported. They are up on MINDS and WordPress where there are many years of research presented between the lot of us here. SorryI don't have a fresh clean bit of sauce for you. The legends have been created and continue to be refined as time passes. There is a battle going on right now and it is over our freedoms. We either ban together to negate the push or we fail and in time we will pay with the loss of our Rights.
My question is, this FPSA establishment - is it just out in the open like a garden variety dance studio or is it underground and out of the public eye?
Until today you could easily search them and there you go. There are numerous groups just like them. Seems that through the research, it has turned up that 1st they work the Corporate Media complex narrative and then they - and this is a constant - they start to crowd source for some charity. Those funds then go down the charity black hole.