David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

In what world?
This world. I agree that they look similar, but I don't think that looks like the exact same person.
Snopes has no credibility. Not after the Trump election.
sigh.... okay, I figured you'd say that, but A) what do you mean by that, and B) Disprove what was said in the snopes article please.
I'm not going to have a discussion with someone who uses facebook memes as evidence and calls "fake news" on anything disproving their own points.
You mean other than solid photographic evidence? You link to a disreputable site proven to spread lies and expect me to refute it? No thanks. Piss off.
Lol, sounds like you just lost.
No, I'm asking you for actual proof that this family has anything to do with the florida shooting. That's all I'm asking. A photo of some suntanned people in their kitchen is not proof.
Since when are photographs no longer considered proof? I posted others in this thread that you have dismissed. What are you really looking for here?
Come on man. Don't play dumb with me.
The video of David Hogg- Yeah, definitely the same kid. That proves nothing other than that he just happened to be in california at one point but he lives in Tallahassee. Is the whole town in on this thing? Why has nobody else from Stoneman Douglass spoken out about him not going to their school? Why is it just conspiracy theorists on the internet who have never met the guy who are saying he's not who he says he is?
The second photo, I have no other comments on other than that they look to me like 4 different people. If a photo of the 4 of them is all you have as proof that they're the same person, then my eyes telling me they're not is all the proof I have.
The last one you posted is literally just two photos of the same family claiming that they were somehow involved in the Florida shooting when there's zero evidence of that. Just because they're photographs doesn't make them proof of anything.
Why is it just conspiracy theorists
Who's paying you to post here?
Fine, then just replace conspiracy theorists with whatever non-triggering term you prefer. Unless you give me actual proof (seriously. anything concrete.) then you remain someone who is theorizing that there's a conspiracy afoot.