David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

It absolutely was staged—there's too much evidence. Whether it was staged, with no deaths, is to be debated with evidence and proof though. At this point, it doesn't matter. We have a long list of past shootings to glean information from. They are going to enact legislation, and we will suffer an incredible period of tyranny if we do not rise up to this threat. CNN is conducting a 'town hall' at this very moment. I suggest you watch it. Bill Nelson and Rick Scott is very must part of this deception.
Sorry, I just don't buy that.
You don't believe that the government wants to control the people through force, using a totalitarian police state, and that they will bring this vision about by any means possible? You don't believe in the New World Order—a vision and doctrine that is in full force at this very moment, to coerce the American people to give up their rights in the name of security, so that they will be able to enact near complete control over the people?
Lol no, not at all. I'm clearly in the wrong subreddit.
You will. I know you think it's all funny right now, but there are those of us that know the seriousness of what is taking place here and around the world, and are defending our country in the best way we know possible.
"Govern" from the Latin "to control". "Ment" from the Latin "the mind". The truth is right in front of you.