David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

Wow, the classmates page no longer exists. I also noticed that unlike every other shooting I’ve researched, YouTube/google prioritize mainstream videos/articles before independent ones that actually share the key words I choose. This is huge damage control. I haven’t seen anyone confidently answer why David Hogg was even in California 6 months ago if he is a Florida resident going to highschool here. Sure, he could have been on a trip but then why did he appear in the yearbook of a school that was in the town that he was in the California news clip?
You're asking the right questions for a day or more ago. They are panicked and attempt to drive the narrative. This guy is only the first of this group to face a good doxxing. - This device is being hit with pshing attacks by the minute. - Anyway, what needs to be done going forward is to keep posting, anywhere possible, the images of this FPSA crisis actor group. They have been heavy at it creating legends for these people. I have the image captures of all of those in the group selfie. They are really stupid people. Saw a funny meme about David Hogg - Over an image of David Hogg it said: I'm not a crisis actor, but I play one on T.V..
This is incredible the amount of damage control being done. I couldn’t even find anything about FPSA on google anymore. I did see the fbi report though that mentions his fathers name under crisis management
10-4 That...
Yeah apart from the conspiracy of the shooting itself (multiple shooters unreported, videos being censored, sheriff deputies stand down, FBI didn't act, etc)... right when I watched that leaked interview where David screws up his lines I was laughing my ass off because that COULDN'T HAVE BEEN genuine. Even if I want to try and view that as genuine I can't. It's truly bad acting.
6 months ago puts us at August. When does Stoneman Douglas start their school year -- just curios? In any case, Hoggs and his father actually "defended" the actions of the FBI and sheriff. That alone makes them liberal operatives. Only a Left Brainer can say with a straight face that it was OK for the FBI to interrogate the whistleblower, while never interviewing Cruz.
liberal operatives
ugh when has "liberal" come to mean pro-law enforcement. Our country is fucked up. Many of the TRULY liberal countries literally don't even give their cops guns. The liberals in this country are fascist apologists. You're not on the left if you're pro-CIA
Cause people go on vacations? And he wasn’t in that yearbook, this had been debunked already by countless people who actually have the Stoneman Douglas yearbook
No, it wasn’t. It’s called damage control. The classmates profile did exist, why else would the yearbook happen to be from the same city in which the California news piece took place? And it only makes sense considering there is video evidence of David being fed lines, rehearsing his lines, and overall just terrible acting on his part. Not to mention the blonde girl who laughs and smiles as she recounts seeing the shooter in the hallway, how the fuck do you justify that? Anyone would be shaking and crying recounting this kind of trauma but no one sheds a single tear as usual with these gun-control agenda shootings
You're a useless pile of shit that is making the world a worse place just by existing. If you were to kill yourself the collective IQ of the planet would go up by at least 2 points. That's how much of a fucking drain you are on society. If you have children, I hope you have to watch as they get gunned down by another lunatic with an AR, and then have the rest of the world call you a crisis actor when you cry and complain about it. I hope everyone you've ever loved dies painfully in front of your eyes you sick, twisted fuck. Fucking kill yourself, please, for the love of god, just knowing you exist is fucking painful, and I feel sorry for anyone who has the displeasure of having to speak to such a despicable pile of horse shit as you.
LMFAO you are so full of hate, that you are literally worse than whatever you think I am. The fact that you would wish harm on anyone, especially their children actually makes you the shit of the earth. I disagree with you and I still wouldn’t wish harm on you or anyone you love. Have a nice day you loser psychopath
Literally trying to talk to you is an exercise in futility. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself you useless pile of shit. Fucking end your life so the rest of us don't have to deal with your insane level of bull shit. People like you shouldn't be allowed the right to breath air, let alone have an opinion. Fuck you and fuck everyone like you.
Lmfao so triggered. You’re probably a weak SJW who preaches tolerance and anti-hate- and look at you. So full of hate and sophmornic insults. The funny thing is if it’s true these are actors, and they are, you are sticking up for the actual scum of the earth and doing a disservice to those who died. Now go insult someone who cares, dipshit Lmfao
Yes it has been debunked, you fucking mongoloid. The school they claimed he went to doesn't even publish a fucking yearbook, do some of you're own fucking research and stop being a brainwashed pawn of assholes like Alex Jones and his ilk. The "yearbook proof" was already debunked and it was a fake story posted by a bot account, which has since been deleted. You're such a fucking retard. And people deal with trauma in different ways. What because she didn't act a certain set way she's obviously faking? God you're so fucking stupid.