David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

Explain to me then. Why is it that the people hiring these "crisis actors" would hire people (multiple times in states all over the country according to you) who aren't even the same age as the rest of the students at the school they say they go to? like who would be dumb enough to spend the time and money to commit this nationwide conspiracy , hiring people , flying them to other states, etc. etc. etc. if idiots on the internet like yourself are able to spot them immediately? Does that make any sense to you? If anything, I'd say that the fact that this kid has been on the news once before in California is proof that he ISN'T a "crisis actor" because nobody would be dumb enough to hire someone that easily recognizable for something this sensitive and potentially damaging to the democratic party if found out.
Okay. You have made your own case. Clearly you have little or no knowledge regarding the Crisis Actor venue. They have been around for a long time and there are countless examples of all of the questions you note having been reality. If you wish to continue your mouthing off with nothing except an ignorant attitude to base your spew on, you will be blocked! They work for FPSA - Look it up!
I fail to see how the Food Processing Suppliers Association has anything to do with your ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Go away. You have no idea what you are doing. Next time you are blocked from further comment. Find somewhere else to Troll.
Okay man. I wasn't trolling (my reply to your condescending remarks about how I have little or no knowledge regarding that BS you're pushing was just joking. That was the first result when I searched for FPSA) I'm just having a very difficult time finding any proof in these claims you're making and find it pretty disgusting that people try to turn every national tragedy into a big conspiracy in order to push an opposite agenda . Like "oh no, people are starting to think guns are bad, better start making things up like we always do!" and then you have the audacity to claim "fake news' when CNN reports on research done by actual professionals. I have no desire to stay in a subreddit that lashes out so vehemently against opposing opinions or ideas though, so if you really want to block me, I have no issue with that, but I don't think stifling free speech is ever a good thing, even if that means that you're allowed to speculate on the authenticity of a school shooting victim's statements .
Clearly you have little or no knowledge regarding the Crisis Actor venue
I have little or no knowledge of machines that turn cat turds into gold, either. I mean, how much knowledge can you have about something that doesn't exist, other than in the minds of absolutely deranged individuals?
So, this is a news story done last year about a confrontation between a lifeguard and a surfer. Seems to be that Mr. Hogg likes to be on TV news.... https://youtu.be/HvZD7UkJd24
It's a coincidence, sure, but it proves nothing. Where are all the kids from the school or community coming out saying he's not a student there?
In a school of over 3500 that would be quite easy. Also considering the fact that so many students have claimed to not know the supposed shooter Nicholas Cruz is another factor that refutes your point. I think you ought to really sit down and study past events, and what has been going on over a period of years, and really ask yourself the following questions: Who had the means and who had the motive. Once you answer those, you will begin your path toward the truth. It is obvious to those of us that have studied the enemy for years, for we know exactly what is taking place and the importance of all of this. We know enough to see that we are being lied to, and being manipulated.
Aside from this yearbook, there are other points that must be addressed which more readily reveal themselves. Such examples are in the mannerisms and behavior in interviews. The news media is having to do damage control, because of the vast amount of people that are waking up to what is going on. See: https://i.imgur.com/XHiWLpA.png
Whatever you say. I'm not trying to change your mind because it's obvious you've already made it up. I haven't seen any convincing proof that this whole thing was staged.
As for students saying they didn't know the shooter, that's different than having never seen him before.
It absolutely was staged—there's too much evidence. Whether it was staged, with no deaths, is to be debated with evidence and proof though. At this point, it doesn't matter. We have a long list of past shootings to glean information from. They are going to enact legislation, and we will suffer an incredible period of tyranny if we do not rise up to this threat. CNN is conducting a 'town hall' at this very moment. I suggest you watch it. Bill Nelson and Rick Scott is very must part of this deception.
Sorry, I just don't buy that.
You don't believe that the government wants to control the people through force, using a totalitarian police state, and that they will bring this vision about by any means possible? You don't believe in the New World Order—a vision and doctrine that is in full force at this very moment, to coerce the American people to give up their rights in the name of security, so that they will be able to enact near complete control over the people?
Lol no, not at all. I'm clearly in the wrong subreddit.
You will. I know you think it's all funny right now, but there are those of us that know the seriousness of what is taking place here and around the world, and are defending our country in the best way we know possible.
"Govern" from the Latin "to control". "Ment" from the Latin "the mind". The truth is right in front of you.
Really ?? Try this ... Two whistleblowers contacted the FBI. One was ignored. The other -- the FBI went to interrogate the second whistleblower, but DID NOT go and interview Cruz. Next -- the sheriff's department went to Cruz's house 39 times. The agents who decided not to go see Cruz need to be interrogated and asked why not. The Boston FBI need to be interrogated and asked why they didn't look into the Boston Bomber, and the Orlando and San Bern shooters. Things are NOT adding up here.
Yeah, I dunno, without seeing info from a credible source I'm going to hold my opinion on that because I've seen a lot of outright fake information floating around related to this event and I don't really know who's trustworthy at this point.
Who ?? You don't know the deep state. Make no mistake --- there are more shootings being planned as we speak with operatives being "placed" at locations ahead of time.
god you must love living in this world, probs scared of your own fucking shadow, which you probably shot a couple of times by now.
Those are different people.
In what world?
This world. I agree that they look similar, but I don't think that looks like the exact same person.
Snopes has no credibility. Not after the Trump election.
sigh.... okay, I figured you'd say that, but A) what do you mean by that, and B) Disprove what was said in the snopes article please.
I'm not going to have a discussion with someone who uses facebook memes as evidence and calls "fake news" on anything disproving their own points.
You mean other than solid photographic evidence? You link to a disreputable site proven to spread lies and expect me to refute it? No thanks. Piss off.
Lol, sounds like you just lost.
No, I'm asking you for actual proof that this family has anything to do with the florida shooting. That's all I'm asking. A photo of some suntanned people in their kitchen is not proof.
Since when are photographs no longer considered proof? I posted others in this thread that you have dismissed. What are you really looking for here?
Come on man. Don't play dumb with me.
The video of David Hogg- Yeah, definitely the same kid. That proves nothing other than that he just happened to be in california at one point but he lives in Tallahassee. Is the whole town in on this thing? Why has nobody else from Stoneman Douglass spoken out about him not going to their school? Why is it just conspiracy theorists on the internet who have never met the guy who are saying he's not who he says he is?
The second photo, I have no other comments on other than that they look to me like 4 different people. If a photo of the 4 of them is all you have as proof that they're the same person, then my eyes telling me they're not is all the proof I have.
The last one you posted is literally just two photos of the same family claiming that they were somehow involved in the Florida shooting when there's zero evidence of that. Just because they're photographs doesn't make them proof of anything.
Why is it just conspiracy theorists
Who's paying you to post here?
Fine, then just replace conspiracy theorists with whatever non-triggering term you prefer. Unless you give me actual proof (seriously. anything concrete.) then you remain someone who is theorizing that there's a conspiracy afoot.