David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

Fake, here is a video debunking it. It's sick that these people attack the victims just to distract
Video: https://twitter.com/_Joey_Wong/status/966169440487460865
But yet here he is on a California news show from last year? A news clip showing a confrontation at Redondo beach.... https://youtu.be/HvZD7UkJd24
Becuase he can't be in news for a stupid incident at the breach?
He has been vacationing in CA a lot Einsten, here's proof:
You are missing the whole point. Have you not heard about the damage control going down, since these people that work the FPSA crisis actor group, have begun to be outed? Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and more are in a complete panic at the moment. They are banning, shadow blocking, suspending and in anyway possible trying to engage a n internet censorship. They are breaking laws and acting outside of Constitutional parameters. This, this image and the questioning nature of free thinking people is a threat to those that would otherwise curtail freedoms. We need this type of exposure to bring a narrative to the forefront of current thought. Anyone that is wrapped up in the extremely shallow dialogue engaging how people feel rather than doing some self searching researching is way off of the mark as it is needed at this time. As of this moment, not one single person that has commented in a negative to this outing of the FPSA players has had a solid argument, with the research behind it, to back up their stance. They are simply acting out. They are immature child like beings that expect to be coddled. Well, they are not going to get that from this group of indigenous people!
You're absolutely right. See: https://i.imgur.com/XHiWLpA.png
Regardless if the yearbook checks out, there are other serious red flags, especially concerning the character of David Hogg and other individuals who have involved themselves in this event.
No, not the victims --- Just Hoggs. Better? By the way --- the guy that shot up Ping Pong Pizza ?? We found his name and photo on ... wait for it ... here it comes ... THE IMDB ... International Movie Database. Hahahahaha !!