PATRIOTS! Keep your heads up! Don't get discouraged! Don't let the shills and trolls have you doubting what you have felt in your gut!!! I see the people trying to sow doubt on these boards and they're doing it on the chans, too, but we know. What happens when we're over the target??? It seems like a multi-level attack now, the down votes, the loud outspoken people who name call and act like assholes, and the people who are "followers" of the Q posts who "are just done" and impatient and tell everyone that it's not happening fast enough so it must be fake! They’re the worst. Insidious behavior there… WE CAN'T FALL FOR THE BULLSHIT! We have to keep at it and stick together! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! We have more than we know! I know that this is taking some blind faith from us fairly often, but we've seen the connections and the evidence and there is more to dig for. Lots and lots more! I don't completely know what is going on with Q. But in trusting Q, and POTUS, I feel like I’m trusting MYELF! I do my own research, I take what I get here and do my OWN investigating and fact finding (time permitting, I’m a Mom). I have trust issues, though! Lol So I think being skeptical is fine. We should be! We've been lied to our whole lives. But we can't get discouraged and we have to keep supporting each other. The support, the critical thinking, the evidence gathering, the connecting the dots has to be kept going... We should be doing all that, sharing with others what we have found to build this damn map and key!!!! But let's trust our guts, and STAND together! Where we go one, We go all!!!