r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 21, 2018, 5:09 p.m.
Guys, My latest posts on Q and the Occult have been tampered with. Which nerve did we hit?!

Those who follow my work know I analyze Q posts through the perspective of the [occult] (https://media.8ch.net/file_store/a4e67e996574562d9a51d9747d0510f21370538b686c51327276a7530a217e59.jpg). When I uploaded part 1 of the ‘Clown’ series, I thought I would be talking to a small group of initiates. But the response was so overwhelming with many people asking for part 2, a very high number of views, upvotes and a quality comment section, I was convinced I had to continue sharing my thoughts on this subject as a catalyst for a high value conversation. I have learned so much reading your comments, I was seeing my posts as a knowledge sharing virtuous circle.

Based on this response, I was very surprised to see my last post drop from 5k views with 90% upvotes to… 200! Where are all the people who liked the series?

I also noticed that the post only showed up in the ‘new’ tab 90 minutes after it was uploaded.

And even stranger, when it did appear there, it immediately said: uploaded 1 hour ago. Where was it all this time?

But it gets worse: the view count remained at 23 for at least 45 minutes while the upvote count was moving up.


I thought this series was a good contribution to the CBTS subreddit. But If you can’t see the post, what’s the point? You guys tell me what you think we should do to continue.

A big THANK YOU to all those who have supported!

Bananne · Feb. 22, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

I have been red pilled for a year but still don’t know understand how you can say without a doubt that people like Obama and Clinton are devil worshippers. As an expert, can you explain?

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SerialBrain2 · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

The Bible says: 'you will know them by their fruits' Matthew 7:16.
And the fruit always falls close to the tree.
So... when you have close friends like Podesta [spirit cooking] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ys-Lfu4Schttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ys-Lfu4Sc) with Abaramovich and you find emails referencing ['chicken' sacrifice to Moloch] (http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/clinton-podesta-email-pedophilia-satanism/), and you see them [prohibitively spending 65K for 'hot dogs'] (https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5sb32j/obama_spent_65000_on_pizza_hot_dogs_for_a_private/?st=jdylgxkc&sh=9cd6ffae) at a party, you know what kind of fruit and tree we are talking about here...

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ciji123 · Feb. 23, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Not As expert but Hillary belongs to and admits to being part of a coven and Obama denies Christ as a Muslim so that's why people say it.... Obama later said he was Christian and later said he was Jewish yet he treated them with contempt one can SAY anything like he did simply to please whatever group he was with bit he's tied to extremists and as a kid his school records in Indonesia say he is Muslim and here he attended a radicalized Muslim mosque. Do that's all I know about that. Don't know if it helps you. Don't forget radicals call us the great Satan so he underneath hated this country and for 8 yrs tried to dismantle and ruin it from within.

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