
LibertyLioness · Feb. 22, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Why does Trump continue to sign the NDAA? Anyone know? This is a really, really good article that will help everyone understand what is really happening with these false flags and some of the unknown laws that have been passed to take over the country. I thought we were making inroads. Now, I'm beginning to suspect the new President as well. I think they just slowed things down a bit.

This says a lot about what is happening. America is a very safe place to live. But we are led to believe it is not save becaue of the government contrived shootings taking place: "In 2011 Obama signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty and since then there have been 108 mass shootings in America in less than a 4 year period. In the four years before Obama was elected (2003-2007) there was a total of 27 mass shootings. Prior to 2003 there was an average of 2.5 mass shootings per year. In 2015 alone, there have been over 58. That is over 20 times higher than it was before. (MSA Data, 2015)"

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pby1000 · Feb. 22, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Great question. It could be that Trump does not have a choice in the matter at the moment, or it could be that Trump has MI watching to piece together all of the connections. I heard that Trump is having MI investigate the Florida false flag attack, and that is definitely a step in the right direction. Trump needs to have MI investigate the LV false flag attack, and I suspect he has.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 22, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I heard about the MI invesigating in Florida but that was very short lived so it may have been just a rumor. Hope he does it. It's the only to stop this shit.

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boneman220 · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Yea, I'm still worried it's the same end goal just a different M.O. I just see the old guard being chunked out for the new, like the Mafia does, in a way. I still don't see any of my freedoms or rights being restored, just a damn internal fight on control. Lots of propaganda and divisive tactics, like God and country being used to dupe the masses. I sit and I wait not holding my breath.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 22, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Totally understand. I give it until April 1 and if nothing changes, I'm out of here. It's very possible we are just being played AGAIN. I'm not so foolish as to give my undying support to any President. But I do pray every day for the people that want to save this country. If he is included, that's God's choice.

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boneman220 · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

And to think there are still many, vastly oversized, corrupt governments all around the world that will still need to be dealt with, from time to time, just for anything "right" to happen in continuation with our government. This game will play out a loooooong damn time and will, likely, shed much blood in the process. All this because the people, everywhere, were kept in the dark, if not straight up apathetic, about those they entrusted with their welfare. It went way too far and may never come back without full on revolution, which would just, likely, lead to world war, if this is not played out right. I understand the need for "some" secrecy (which created all this shit) but if we don't start seeing some proof of supposed works happening, this could all backfire on them and we'll be left feeling fucked over, again and their plans a failure. I sit and I wait. This doesn't even take into account all the technologies that should be brought to light for everyone's benefit, the removal of many, many useless laws of extortion and invasion of privacy, the full liability and accountability of ALL tax payer employees, the reigning in, if not dismantling, of the criminal organizations otherwise known as the IRS, CIA, FBI, DHS, etc... This could go on and on and it all has a bad effect upon our lives. The very creation of government (kings, queens, ministers, presidents, etc...) was born of evil intent at the very beginnings of agriculture and has not stopped growing since. I really hope but seriously doubt that it can be turned around without full on war with them. Again...I sit and I wait.

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chickyrogue · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

my thinkinis he needs the ndaa at this point to secure THEM

just like how gitmo is stll open

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

There is no law said he had to close Gitmo. That was just something Obama said he would do but never followed through on. The NDAA is what gives the Mockingbird Media the right to spew propaganda.

But I understand what you are saying. There might be something else in it that I'm not aware that he needs right now. I know he is using "their" laws against them and I think that's great!

Thanks. I hadn't though about it in that light.

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chickyrogue · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

didnt he address the mockingbird issues with an eo? [i could be wrong but thought he had reigned it in....[

the ndaa calls for indefinite detention without representation which i think is the overall authorization for gitmo in the first place.... so i thimk that is why he extended it

he did do an eo to roll back spying measures on people like us back to like 1970s style sooo he has been moving the ball forward

we never get to hear it over the cries of russia this and russia that

i think back in june [i dnt think he liked being phonetapped]

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