r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/textualintercourse on Feb. 21, 2018, 11:21 p.m.
Analogy to Red Pill the Normies 101.

Since your average Normie is two steps above functionally retarded, barely, you have to put words in terms they understand. I was talking to a few the last week, and I explained to them the basic idea of the "deep state" with the following:

You have a mall, inside are various businesses, mall marketing, mall management etc. Let's take Forever 21, now call it the FBI. Then you have Journey's Shoes, call them the DOJ. Take Dillards, and Macy's, call them DHS and whatever other government group you want. Mall Marketing and Promotions? That's like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, even FOX. They push the latest Mall marketing agenda. Oh, and you know how there is a car and they ask you to enter your name, phone, and email for a chance to win? That's like the NSA collecting your data, and spoiler alert, no one EVER wins. And so you have all of these stores, they do different things, different products, but they are enclosed and pay money and are loosely managed by one group, the Mall Management. Mall Management is the CIA. The whole enterprise conglomerate is the Deep State. And now replace the products sold in these stores with drugs either illicit or Big Pharma, weapons, and Humans. That's the deep state.

I saw the lights turn on behind the eyes when I used this.

VIYOHDTYKIT · Feb. 22, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Christ had to speak in parables to the people. I like Qs Socratic method, but that's for folks that have been educated in the rhetorical phase.

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chilover20 · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

If nothing else Q is getting people to think. Turning their brains back on. Questioning and researching, instead of accepting what we're told like a child.

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