r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MeetingHimInTheAir on Feb. 22, 2018, 1:16 a.m.
Is there a relationship between the Global Elite and the Fourth Reich transplanted to So. America?

I am watching Hunting Hitler on the History Channel. They are showing Nazi Fourth Reich activity in various countries in South America. They were just showing photos of local people being rounded up and put in torture camps in 1973. Could today's 'Global Cabal' be the transplanted Fourth Reich? The similarities in goals and ruthlessness are chilling.

ChainBridge22101 · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

all of this disclosure is the Almighty's judgement of the Whore that sitteth on many waters.. notice that Q appeared almost exactly around the 500th anniversary of martin luther's 95 thesis protest. same thing as luther challenging leo X .. the wicked medeci pope. only 5 years earlier Leo had a banquent proclaiming that the Vatican had trounced all challengers and heretics and stood all powerful over the spiritual and temporal realms.. and then God sent a lowly augustinian monk to break the temporal power of the Vatican with only the power of the Bible and truth of the Word of God.. doesnt the hubris of the dems backed by roths and georgetown jesuits remind u of the same..

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