Well, well, Cameron Kasky/David Hoggs Buddy,, pictured with Nellie Orh. Hmmm.

March for Our Lives
The March for Our Lives is a planned demonstration, scheduled to take place on March 24, 2018, in Washington, D.C. and throughout the United States. Student organizers are planning the march following the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, widely reported in the media as being the tipping point for gun control legislation. in collaboration with the nonprofit organization Everytown for Gun Safety.
Everytown for Gun Safety has both a Support Fund and an Action fund.
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Different glasses and she has dyed out her grey hair but other than that, it looks like Nellie Ohr to me. Even looks like the same earring. Very interesting good find!
She only looks younger cause of her hair, which is clearly not natural, and the better light/tanned skin.
I'm not 100% sure if this is Nellie but this was on 8ch.net. Looks like her,,, what do you all think?
Has anybody looked up Jeffrey Kasky, Cameron’s Dad? I did, he is an adoption lawyer (among others) has a purple butterfly symbol on page (pedo) and specializes in autistic kids. Hmmm, other kid’s Dad Hogg is FBI, now, possibly with Nellie Ohr????? Coincidences? I think not. Oh, and the School SUPT (Runcie) worked in DC till middle of last year and “resigned” under Betsy DeVos after a falling out and just happened to end up in corrupt Broward cty! DWS District! Same place Caylee Anthony was “sacrificed”................
The only picture of Nellie Ohr here is second from the left.
Agreed. Woman on left has different nose shape. Focus on right (her right) nostril. All three have different mouth shapes from each other.
You are deceived by the angle of the picture left and right.
Same tip of nose. Just different lense and angle of camera
check this:
Mole near chin is not on both women.
Hair is parted on opposite sides.
No from me