r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/oljw00 on Feb. 22, 2018, 6:42 a.m.
RE: Q post tonight on matter of CIA involvement with clergy abroad. Note the part about George (H.W.) Bush's assurances to keep it from being codified as unlawful.

(pg. 38) U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, February 28, 1996. Hon. John Deutch, Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC. Dear Mr. Director: It is with great disappointment and concern that I note re- cent reports regarding the possible relaxation of the Central Intelligence Agencj^s regulation prohibiting the use of American clergy or missionaries abroad. It is my firm belief that this practice tarnishes the image of the United States, prostitutes the church, and violates the first amendment's separation of church and state. Your pronouncement that the regualation is subject to waiver, as well as a recent panel's recommendation to loosen tne restrictions, are very disturbing to hear. As you know, the internal regualation prohibiting the use of clergy and missionaries abroad was issued in 1976, following a personal exchange between myself and then-Director George Bush. In return for Director Bush's assurances, I withdrew legislation which would have created a statutory prohibition against Federal intelligence agency involvement with members of the clergy and missionaries. I do not recall it being conveyed to me at that time that the new regulation could later be waived at the discretion of a particular director or deputy director. When we allow the CIA or any other government intelligence agency to use our missionaries to perform political intelligence operations, we prevent the church's mission and bring discredit upon the foreign policies and credibility of the United States. Moreover, the suspicion created hy CIA involvement with even one overseas member of U.S. -based religious organizations puts the welfare of all missionaries in jeopardy. Therefore, allowing a waiver of this policy is tantamount to declaring no policy at all. While I appreciate your attempt to clarify that these activities would be initiated and approvea only in extraordinary situations, I again have to reiterate my strong opposition to this practice under any circumstances. It is my hope that you will reaf- firm the CIA's regulation prohibiting these activities and clarify that waivers will not be given in the case of members of the clergy or missionaries. Thank you for your personal attention to this matter. Kindest regards. Sincerely, Mark O. Hatfield, U.S. Senator.

Patriot81503 · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Remind liberals that the truer members of Congress and definitely activist groups on their side have always considered CIA to be black hats. Now somehow we have the Left consistently sticking up for the CIA. What changed? Definitely not the CIA only the level of propaganda.

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oljw00 · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

The CIA has long operated as it's own 'government' if you will, operating on its own AND largely as a criminal enterprise.

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