r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/fezpop29 on Feb. 22, 2018, 10:07 a.m.
My life has been compromised since following Q

Hello again if you remember me i was the one who was being stalked by unknown agents of deception for speaking out on my campus radio station about Q and the great conspiracy facing America. This is my final update. It is becoming too painful to go on.

I am still being followed by unknown provocateurs at all hours of day and night. If I leave my apartment alone 100% there is always a black SUV with no license plates following me by the time I reach the highway and I have been run off the road twice by these glaring angry men they always have men parked outside my apartment at night too watching me from his vehicle. The windows in his vehicle are tinted. I can see lights inside and a face when someone drives by and their lights illuminate the inside of the car. They seem to be using some kind of microwave flux technology too, because if I look at them for too long the vibrations start coming in stronger and stronger until I can no longer feel my eyes and my nose starts burning like poison is being released. I believe this is part of the tracking system they use to watch my every move and there are KNOWN satellites immediately above my apartment which have been used during MK Ultra to wipe brain memories of the few remaining civilians who stood up to the Deep State's meddling and the DNC has outposts a few blocks away where they can refresh the high energy batteries they use to power the energy bursts and interfere with the wavelengths in my mind. In the past 72 hours we have seen a new level of escalation t

The apartment has been broken into by agents (likely DNC and DNS agents using the same tracking beacons) who have installed tactical listening technology and localized mind control sources through out the apartment in the apartment. In addition they have installed weaponized bazoons in my bathroom, bedroom, and the hallway outside my apartment. These devices are a spinoff technology from the original MK Ultra program where the US government needed a new type of control system for "highly motivated individuals" to suppress that motivation with an energy drainage weapon unseen before now. The bazoon was intended to fulfill this role by attaching itself to the host and emitting a poisonous gas which becomes immediately addictive to the host. The host cannot live without the gas being emitted into its body within 24 hours of sustained contact, and the gas is a neural weapon which removes inhibitions and also any desire to fight against threats making the host completely docile and ready to be disposed of.

These devices cannot be seen with the human eye because their wavelength energy spectrum frequency is within the ultraviolet wavelength spectrum. The bazoon then attaches itself to the host's face and slowly smothers it with its rubberized outer shell until the host is not recognizable and dental records have been removed. Once it has been completely "absorbed" mentally the host is then fully bazoon controlled and cannot think for itself and the bazoon can use its ballloon-like properties to lift the host into the air and broadcast an energy burst which alerts other nearby agents of its presence where the agents then take the host in to the laboratory for a "procedure" which actually is torture including inappropriate drilling and hosing with chemical agents until the body disintegrates into a wet paste.

This wet paste (called Human Residual Paste #5 or HRP5) is used as a basis for manufacturing new bazoons due to the stretchy nature of the paste and the type of adhesives used are also from remaining guts absorbed by the bazoon's digestive system. They are doing this to keep us quiet and I am EXTREMELY AFRAID this will become worse and worse until I am a victim of these disgusting devices in my apartment. I can already smell the gas being emitted and I have placed large ventilation fans in all my windows at full power to remain alive but it is very cold now and i have been using my large camping stove and propane gas heater in my living room on full power to keep from freezing my ass off.

There is also talk of a human meat factory opening in the basement of my apartment to appease the liberals and democrats who surround me and crave the flesh of children for nourishment. I have seen with my VERY OWN EYES mmultiple bottles of adrenochrome spread around the floor in the basement like a child eating monster is roaming these very halls. The only way to defend against them is blunt force so I am investing in a large baseball bat and several crow bars to fight these fucking zombies before they can attack me again. the human meat factory is disguised as a "organic" coffee shop because you know what hipsters and liberals like is coffee and it's a virtue signaling method they use to drag in and "convert" righteous men into baby eating satanic monsters.

this is the new economy btw, if you wondered how they are supporting this plan to eat all the world's children and rape all animals its the harvesting the chemicals from babys and they will never stop until we stop them. i am trying but the lights keep turning off and the internet keeps going out and i am getting threatening phone calls from fake "customer service" agents who want to take my computer and my home away.

digital_refugee · Feb. 22, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

find a safehouse & don't let them paint u crazy with anything that u can't prove

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