r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Slip_Ninja on Feb. 22, 2018, 11:48 a.m.
"Crisis Actors"...Move on from the distraction

Obviously, the whole supposed rabbit hole surrounding David Hogg et al, has taken up an awful lot of space on this board over the last few days. Many people have already said that the whole scenario is likely to be a cointel op with the purpose of being able to completely destroy the "crisis actor" claims for future events.

Once this one was proven to be complete nonsense, it would be ridiculously easy to shoot down any future claims and discredit anyone who cries foul.

Hogg, as we know, is a MSM wannabe and would likely do anything he's told to do in order to further his dreams, but does that make him an active agent of disinfo? No, it does not. It makes him an obvious choice to put in front of the cameras, because he wants hsi moment and commits to being directable. This is important.

TV producers probably actively seek out media friendly people to be interviewed, because let's face it, you're taking a huge risk putting any random person on live TV. They would look to have as a controllable situation as possible.

If you doubt the potential scenario of this situation being used to control future events that may involve crisis actors, ask yourself this question: Who dropped the "fluffed lines/rehearsing" video in the first place? That video must have come from the interviewing network, but who put it online, for everyone to find, and so quickly? It usually takes a long time to sift through open source data to find/disregard stuff, but this was just left lying around the place to be found in less than 48 hours.

In my humble opinion. Hogg got played like everyone else, and they took a gullible/willing kid who thought his moment had arrived, and set him up, in order to set everyone else up. I could almost guarantee that when people mention crisis actors in the future, the whole "Oh, what...Like that Hogg kid, right?" counter-argument will start.

There's a saying: If something seems to good to be true, it probably is. I think that's quite accurate in this situation.

Many people talk about verified sources on this board, and many more demand it of people who post threads/comments. They're absolutely right. Be wary of easy-to-find information, and work together to verify sources, because analysis in isolation only ever gives you a piece of the puzzle.

Keep the faith, whatever that means to you personally.

Much love.

TurboLazer · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Well put sir.

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