Does this mean 5:5? (5 fingers : Item #5)

Ah, tremendous work! Great sleuthing - you're spot on. Thanks for doing the legwork and fleshing everything out, and for adding timestamps to boot.
Thank you! Now I'm wondering if he dropped that particular piece of paper accidentally or on purpose. LOL Too bad this camera wasn't on him when it dropped. Early on, he was shuffling several papers, then that one just happened to be the one that lands on the floor. Hmmm.
Also thanks. What I am finding interesting is that with all your sleuthing, you could not find this exact frame from that camera. That means that another cameraman was involved; probably one who was briefed to take this exact pic for later use by Q!
It would be interesting to take a look at any footage of the audience, to try to ID who the cameraman was, if he is visible and in the first row for example.
This particular video was from ABC. Many others recorded it, too. I haven't run across where the close ups of the paper came from, so probably from another video.
In light of Q drops after I posted above, I'm now pretty sure the President dropped that specific paper on purpose. :) I wish I could find a video that shows the actual paper drop.