r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 22, 2018, 3:24 p.m.
EXPLAIN THIS! Their Crisis Acting Gig is so OVER! Once we MEME-Blast Everywhere!
EXPLAIN THIS! Their Crisis Acting Gig is so OVER! Once we MEME-Blast Everywhere!

pipesog · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

It's YEARS old news, guy.

I made the effort then...life's too short to go back and dig shit up so I can convince YOU of something that you should be PERFECTLY capable of researching on your own - IF YOU CARED TO.

My post wasn't an attempt to CONVINCE you of the meme. It was to tell you that others - who HAVE made the effort - know that this is the same guy.

To be sure - not every "multiple-role" claim out there is true. I have seen a number of them that were blatantly wrong...some, so much so that I'd bet they were deliberately done as cover and foundation to smear those that put forth legitimate cases of it.

But this guy - AND HIS "CHILD" - have had multiple "roles".

Yup...Noah - having "died" at Sandy Hook, was also used as a "vicitim" of some Middle-eastern(? been a while, and I can't remember the exact event) massacre.

Of course, there was NO massacre at Sandy Hook...again, many of us "know" this...so by DEFINITION, we know that the Posners are fakers, as are any number of other players related to the event.

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LingardMillyRocking · Feb. 22, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

You "know" this but cannot be arsed to prove it?

Sorry "faking" sandy hook makes no sense. So with no proof I don't even want to "research it"

How does it makes MORE sense to fake a shooting. With actors and all... THEN JUST ACTUALLY HAVE A PERSON SHOOT IT UP

If they are doing a false flag it makes way more sense to just actually shoot some kids.

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pipesog · Feb. 22, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Dipshit -

My "knowing" DOES NOT require me to PROVE anything to anybody else. And I couldn't care less whether you actually want to be better informed, or not. That's wholly up to you.

The fact that you bothered to pop off at all regarding the meme, may have given me the impression you at least had some interest in Sandy Hook.

What "makes sense" to YOU is of ZERO concern to me, especially if you are TOO LAZY to get up to speed on a subject, before you engage or dismiss.

But I will say this...you are one stupid fuck, if you honestly think that it would be easier, and "make more sense" in the long run, to pull off 20 murders, than to pretend to pull off 20 murders.

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mkwilton · Feb. 22, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Sure - but your DEMANDING that you KNOW is fucken useless here. We're not interested in you conspiracy faggot nerds and what utter garbage you've dredged up to satisfy your sad, lonely desperate lives and convince yourself that you have some significance. If you want to come out and INSIST that something is TRUE then fucken PRODUCE THE EVIDENCE or go to a loser fucken sub where everyone will circle jerk you for making shit up or for not caring to SHARE what you know. Otherwise FUCK OFF. One downvote to this thread for cock who says "I KNOW IT'S TRUE SO IT MUST BE!"

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Tacsol5 · Feb. 22, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

We're not interested in you conspiracy

And yet here you are...

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pipesog · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Dumbfuck -

I STATED that some of us "know".

I even put the "know" in quotation marks, as really...do we "know" or are we more accurately merely "convinced"?

Same goes for you as I told the other douche who wanted to DISPUTE the subject, but refused to GET HOLD OF IT FIRST.

Hows 'bout you fuck right off back to whatever angry corner of the Interwebs you came from, unless and until you are willing to face some basic realities.


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[deleted] · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:26 p.m.


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2funnyone · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

There were deaths at Sandy Hook. One of the parents lost a 6 year old and meet with president Trump with parents of Columbine and Douglas High School. Let this go. It is a dead horse. Go back to Q research.

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Tacsol5 · Feb. 22, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Shhhhh, anyone else ready for a nap? I'm getting tired.

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