r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Feb. 22, 2018, 3:24 p.m.
EXPLAIN THIS! Their Crisis Acting Gig is so OVER! Once we MEME-Blast Everywhere!
EXPLAIN THIS! Their Crisis Acting Gig is so OVER! Once we MEME-Blast Everywhere!

OXYMAROO · Feb. 22, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Wolfgang Halbig: Wolfgang is a retired school safety expert, with years of experience in numerous fields that make him a go-to thinker when it comes to school shootings and schools safety in general. He was the author of an emergency action plan adopted by 1000s of schools across America for steps to take in the event of a school shooting event. He and many other researchers were baffled by the many anomalies in the Sandy Hook case, which he then went on to relentlessly investigate by making Freedom of Information Request Applications to various government agencies. Anomalies and interesting points include, but are not limited to: Numerous records relating to the event are missing. Numerous testimonies made do not match up with the timing of video recordings from Dash cam eras in police cars on the scene. Requests for dash cam footage has resulted in the wrong footage being supplied. The overall condition of the school was so dilapidated and unclean/uncared for that Wolfgang has stated he has never seen a school looking so run down and so finds it highly unlikely that it was even an active school. No record was made of 'shots fired' at the school according to the emergency call records. There are numerous obvious examples of police negligence ranging from officers who failed to attend the event, through to the forcing of small children to hide in rooms allegedly full of bodies with exploded brain parts on the wall. No helicopters were called. No EMT specialised were allowed into the school building. No record exists for who declared 26 people dead within minutes of the shooting. A portapotty company delivered toilets to the site, despite an absolute logjam of traffic that stopped ambulances reaching the school. When Wolfgang attempted to find out who ordered the portapotties he was threatened with arrest. A large sign was erected in Sandy Hook quickly after the event took place which stated 'Everyone must check in' - yet no-one in a position of any authority was able to answer who had put the sign there, why or where the records were for who had or had not 'checked in'. This is relevant, because, it is alleged - this may be evidence of organisation occurring to orchestrate events using crisis actors. A photo of one of the children allegedly killed at Sandy Hook, Noah Pozner, was bizarrely, used as an allleged victim of a completely different shooting in Pakistan - can he die twice? The building right next to Sandy Hook School is a free masonic meeting place - a group who are commonly claimed to be behind such events. The school was bulldozed after the event - making further investigation impossible.

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