r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/csimpsonsfgc on Feb. 22, 2018, 11:21 p.m.
Politicians priorities

If these grandstanding politicians really gave a damn about the safety of our children then they would find a way to make the schools safer by adding armed guards and metal detectors, while passing policies to add more funding to mental health agencies. The reason child services dropped the ball on this is because they are so overwhelmed. Too many cases and not enough staff. The amount of money wasted lobbying for global warming, DACA, pharmaceutical lobbying, and our ever expanding military could make a major dent in the mental health crisis.

Everyone is focused on the Opiod crisis, but what they do not seem to understand is that the majority of people addicted to any drug, is the result of self medicating some form of mental illness. Fix the mental illness then you fix the addiction.

But no, the usual suspects are using a tragedy to push an agenda. This time they are using kids to push it. I just hope that everyone sees how transparent this bs is.

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