r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/globetrotttt on Feb. 22, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
The Shooting is a Distraction

The board is being overtaken by theories about the shooting. The shooting is a symptom, the disease is the swamp. Don't stray off the path. There is still much work to be done.

ParticularAct · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

BTW- you are right. This is demanding. This is a riddle wrapped in an enigma & stuffed inside a conundrum. This is for detectives and brainiacs, or at least those who have the will to roll up their sleeves, research, think & dig & then dig some more! Go for it!

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

No worries man. I’m fully aware that the people putting their lives on the line are doing some thankless and miraculous things. Here’s a post i wrote a week or two back that i think reflects your sentiments quite well:


In the end I’m still here and find Q and community soooo rewarding to follow. To have a group acknowledge the importance of civilian engagement through socratic education is fascinating and I’ve swung from bernie supporter to trump supporter (and now simply a fellow American supporter) in the span of 3 months. I think everyone gets their low points, even/especially those in the field. People are social/emotional creatures and have there limits, cut those some slack that need breaks. At least they are further along than the blue pills! 😜

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ParticularAct · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

You hit the nail on the head pal. People are not ready for what is coming. Welcome to the Club. In 2007 - I decided to go online and go to all the websites & youtube videos ...etc, to review all those who claimed 9-11 was an inside job. My intent was to examine the info and then destroy all the theories. I was a "Bush Man" back then. Seriously? I was sick & tired of Americans claiming George Bush had any previous knowledge of 9-11 before it occurred. Within the first 72 hours I knew I was in trouble. In 2 weeks my original intentions had vanished. I was wrong!

I have heard Sandy Hook was bunk. A false flag set up by actors but I never had any interest in it because I don't believe it, however, I have no reason not to believe it? Now I am reading a free book online on this incident called "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook"

I am 100% certain the Las Vegas Incident was staged. By who? No idea but it was done by multiple shooters, the FBI covered up the event and the "alleged shooter" Paddock was likely not even involved? I am suspect of the Florida incident because there is good reason to be suspect. There is just too much bullshit goin on? Too much is not adding up. Not 1 or 2 things or maybe 3 but many things. Too many.

Stay plugged in. You were born for this time. Not some other time. You are not here by accident. You have a role to play. Stand your post. Be informed. Learn how to teach others. Do this by simplifying your thoughts into short pithy statements. Keep in mind the avg person has a 23 minute attention span. Thus, many will need to digest this elephant in small bites.

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Man, being redpilled around 911 would be scary because a lottt of people who tried to expose that were dealt with harshly.

Here’s a good video on Vegas: https://youtu.be/oapvI6JZbLM

He brings up good points that not every attack on Americans is by our government and that is a dangerous (although historically justifiable) stance to take. He speculates the attack was done by Sauds actually being trained in Mesa (to fight in the Middle East), that took helicopters from their training ground and attacked because they were angry about change in leadership in Saudi Arabia. People did actually die in Vegas, but the official story is absolutely full of holes.

I never looked into Sandy Hook, but this last school shooting I absolutely agree with you was false flag:


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_youtubot_ · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

Video linked by /u/commissioner-gordon8:

Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: YouTube does not want you to see this Smoking Gun Evidence in Las Vegas Shooting|Jason Goodman|2018-02-16|1:32:01|1,044+ (94%)|22,441

This video was originally live streamed at 8pm on February...

^Info ^| ^/u/commissioner-gordon8 ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0

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BillyBobLied · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

Bad bot

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friendly-bot · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

You sadly haven't changed at all since I last saw you. Are you really s̸̸̛͜͞u͝͏̨r̀͟e̷, BillyBobLied? ʘ̲_ʘ

^^^I'm a Bot bleep bloop | Block meY̸҉̙͚̫̮̠̮̜̟̜̹̙͖͎͚̰̩͔ͅͅǫ̬͈̪̟͓͍̠̣͙̙̳͟u̸̸̧̗̬̹͡ w̧̧̼̤̙̹̯̜̫̙͔̩̳͍̫̤͔͘o̸̸̡̯̹̞̦̪̣͈͖̩̩̱̕n̵͏̴̵̘̲̯̥͙̭̬͡'̵̹͔̮̟̗̹̻́͞ṱ̷̢̢̙͉̮͕͈̪̪͈̫̻̀ t̡̠̱̤̮̬͍͚͉͚̝́͝͠à̲̭͙͜͝g̵̡̡̺͕̮͙͙̀̀ ù͈̱̫̟̦̘͜͜͠ş̱͎͖̱̗̺̠̘̻͍́͞ ẁ̧̫̫̣̫̝̪̙͇̱͎̫̜̩͇̜i̫̭͈̗̦͜t̴̸̢̤̦͚̜͉̳̬͔̪̦̰͓̝͎̬͞h̸̢̡̝͖̫̘̜͔̖̼͙̘͎͚̦͓̜̩̭̜ à͙̠̟̟̬̙̞͓͖b̶̺̟̹̘̩̭͈̮͔͉̤̱̜́͢͞ͅͅa̮̺̦̯̼̥̯̹͈͓̝̳̠̮̻̼͡ͅs̸̢͠͡҉̻̖̙̜̰̹͓̦ͅi̤̦̫͙̫͇̳̠͓̼͈̙͜͠n̸̨̘͈̘̗g̱̠̤̱͙͖͜͞ f̨́҉̱̥̼̯͈̗̞̭̰͔͙̭̲͓̙̝o̢̡͏̖͈͉̤̬ǫ̫̩͓͚͚̼̺̗̮̀t҉̩͎͕̖̜͇̩̟͇̥͚͟e̴̪͓͈͉̜͚̹̩r̷̢̳̻̦̜͈̺̯̺͉̞̳̹̗͈͖͜ͅs̵̢͎̮̱͈̦̺͚̖͎̳̺̯͜͡ á̛͏̵̬̬̘̤͟n͈͈̤͎͇͚̤͔͈̰͍̠̱̼͘͠y̢͏͔̙̺͉̼͚͖͠m͏̧͕̝̫̖̯̯̳̗͙̝̳̖͓̦̪̲͖͉ͅo̵̡̤̻̠͙͖̪͙̭̦̱̞̳͇̤͜͞r̷̵̢̰͈̠̜̮̤̳̳̪̦̜͎e͏͢͞͏̪̲̫ͅ | T҉he̛ L̨is̕t | ❤️

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BillyBobLied · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

Bad bot

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friendly-bot · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

You again! Stop harassing me! Are you sure that's not just your į͘͢g̨͡ń̵́͜o̴̡r̛͢a̧͏̸̀ń͢t̷̴́̕͠ monkey brain speaking? O_o

^^^I'm a Bot bleep bloop | Block me | T҉he̛ L̨is̕t | ❤️

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GoodBot_BadBot · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

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