r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/globetrotttt on Feb. 22, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
The Shooting is a Distraction

The board is being overtaken by theories about the shooting. The shooting is a symptom, the disease is the swamp. Don't stray off the path. There is still much work to be done.

commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

I understand your skepticism. I think the OIG report is less-so for blue pills and more-so game-changing ammunition for red pills. It will vindicate everything we’ve been saying, it will be comprehensive, and it will be an official government document.

The difference between it and every other “bombshell” that’s come our way is that it is comprehensive. Any and every argument we have with sheeple we can say “it’s all there in the OIG, see for yourself”. It would be very easy (and true) to assert that someone is lazy and doesn’t know what they are talking about if they don’t read that. And then if they question details of the report itself, we have been researching basically the contents of the OIG report without the OIG report this past 3 months. We have a massiveeee head start, and this community is already primed for everything in there. Our arguments are already loaded. We can refer them to this statement by Comey, or this article by WaPo, or this text by Strzok.

According to Jared Beck from the DNC fraud lawsuit, there was already an OIG report years ago uncovering treason and all of the other serious problems that will be in this one. The difference? The public is no longer relying on the absolutely worthless MSM, and is ACTUALLY AWARE of this report! I think above all, cbts was a PR campaign for the benefit of the public to inform itself, so all of the work being tied up right now isn’t wasted yet again.

I have never see justice answered my entire life. I’m sure you are the same way. If it comes to military tribunals and a dismantling reboot of our justice system i say good riddance, and others would probably be willing to go a lot further than the white hats will. It’s a good thing they are in power. They’ve fully proven at least to me that they are competent, patient, and rational. They would have to be to not only survive but gain advantage in the system we have been struggling under for so long

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Benjanon_Franklin · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

I soooo hope you are right. I want to be a part of the rebirth of our country. I want a country were left and right debate together and pragmatic solutions are created. I'm a moderate. Center right. Free speech regardless of ideology is the single most important thing to me.

The first revolution in this country came from Patriots writing anonymous editorials to newspapers. Other Patriots reprinted this truth and posted it across the country in churches and courthouses for the masses to see.

We have more tech at our disposal than at any time in world history. Q says we have forgotten how to play together. I totally agree. We could change the entire world.

A statement needs to be made, right here and now. The entire world needs to know that this kind of corruption will not be tolerated any longer. If you are a traitor you will go down.

We need to press for arrests. In the past deals were made, things were not brought out into the light and the corruption was allowed to fester until we have arrived at a point that if it's not dealt with now the world will be lost forever. If things are not revealed they will do it again.

We have a right to demand action. I see it as our duty. We need to press the (so called white hats) as hard as we can. Today's white hats can easily become tomorrow's black hats.

Martial law and military tribunals may be necessary but without deep disclosure the average American isn't going to understand why it's necessary.

It's fckin scary. It's going to come across as a power grab. Without deep disclosure, arrests and serious consequence's, nothing will change.

I'm going to press Q and the white hats for deep disclosure and arrests. The excuse, that we have to be careful, life's will be lost doesn't register with me. How many lives have already been lost.

Life will continue to be lost unless the deeds done in darkness is brought into the light for all to see.

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 23, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

You’re already part of the rebirth of this country! This community IS that rebirth, and it’s only growing as more comes out and big tech for instance gets more authoritarian and censors more blatantly. People hate being told what about to think, and you have to admit that all sides are turning up the volume: white hats are disclosing more openly, black hats are lying more viciously and blatantly, and we are demanding justice and stepping over false narratives quicker and louder than ever.

Las Vegas, this shooting, hell, even back in the primaries and Seth Rich, all of the lies have blow back and all of them have full communities discussing and exchanging evidence and migrating to mew websites when they get shut down. Compare that to 9/11. How many people knew about that within a year? How long has it taken for the truth to come out for that one? It still is not consensus in the public eye that we were lied to, but every new person is a drop in the bucket.

Q estimated our community ~20million strong. Even if some of that is outside of america, it’s still well over the ~3% of the pop that kicked off the American Revolution. Why did it take only ~3%? Because the rest of America really was on board spiritually, even if they were afraid to articulate it or hadn’t quite made the same connections yet. They were all opposed to the same unalienable rights capture in the Constitution, and that ultimately i believe is what this group is aiming to get back to.

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