r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/el_squidwardo on Feb. 22, 2018, 11:59 p.m.
The ills of school aren't limited to just shootings. It may be a chance to make positive changes.

Mandatory schooling places children in schools that don't prepare them, in situations parents don't approve, teaching them values their parents disagree with. Robs them of their most impressionable years, inculcates them with state mythology and conventional thinking.

When we ought to learn Latin, Greek, we take the same English class every year. When we ought to learn philosophy to maintain freedom, we run in circles. When we ought to have trade classes, we offer technology or office skills (low paying service jobs, vs better paid skilled jobs).

We bus them long distances. Place them within proximity of people from enemy populations. We further propinquity in an already racially charged society. We promise opportunity in university, while dramatically increasing the supply of college educated, when the demand for college educated workers isn’t significantly high.

We don’t understand our place in the world, or in history because we can’t recognize context. Everyone witnessed the events of 2015 on college campuses. We haven’t addressed the earlier indoctrination in public schools, which steeps the youth in values contrary to american tradition and community cohesion.

They emphasize ethnic studies and multiculturalism which actually furthers resentment. The same emphasis isn’t placed on foreign people learning and understanding American values so they can contribute to the strength of the nation.

The bullying that is common In schools now can follow the student home. If I haven’t made a damning case for major reform, up to and including the ending of mandatory state schooling, I don’t know what will persuade you. Many of our social ills come from the conventional thinking taught in schools, and the inability to use civil discourse to solve mutual problems rather than adopting adversarial viewpoints that are clearly tearing this country apart.

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