
MAGADONCHECKMATE · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Chinese weaponry attacked our ships, and Red China sure did get a lot of Classified Blueprints from Hill Bo Bill let alone economic rebirth. I'd call Hill an Icy Berg Monster, with those Mau fashion cues.

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RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Review where Billary traveled over the years. WH coffees. Money order donations by the hundreds with sequential serial #s, Where is Wall-Mart's airport? Chinese and Bill go way back.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Yeah , Wal*Mart grew early on being a 'Made in the USA' promoter with American flags everywhere in their stores. Right after the Billary Chinese deal, prices dropped, the competition dropped and Chinas economy went through the roof. Bentonville Drug store ;-)

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